— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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XXX: The question remains, and what is the man still dissatisfied with, since he is so irritated by all kinds of lazy people, fools and alcoholics.

yyy: The standard complex of the believer. Man believed that his way of life was the only right, but this idea was foreign to his consciousness (introduced or trained).
Such a person is subconsciously afraid to realize that his belief is wrong (well you understand - not unfounded).
This leads to the express desire to pity others or laugh at them (who is so bad). Acts of ridicule or pity (preferably public), coupled with attempts to self-exalt, will protect the psyche of the patient from the fear that he will be considered wrong. Even if no one supports him, they’re all just jealous.
And even if such a person is on the right track (family and career are not such a bad benchmark), he still remains a vertebrate, valuation-dependent void with a puberty level of self-awareness.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna