— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The case was in the distant 80s in the student community.
Room small, 2 double beds, a total of 4 seats.
We came with the boys and friends after the walk, all lay down in places, extinguished the lights.
XHH: I clearly used to stick to my own, and I typically go until everyone is asleep.
XHH: It’s been about an hour, I’ve been waiting, I say let’s go.
xxx: It is clear that no one slept and did not gather and begins such a sluggish engine.
xxx: you just imagine, two young people on the second shelf, thank God even beds on conscience then made)
In general, when everything went away after about half an hour (in complete silence, no one spoke a word), one twin didn't stand and gave a quiet "hi-hi"
XHH: Rusted so I thought the stomach would break and the neighbors of the neighboring block would come to crave what was going on...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna