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The second report
In the report
In addition to this
Posted in #11584, are you a fool? I hope your child grows smarter than you.

No matter what the phrase is, the intelligence is also sparkling. The poor boyfriend is absolutely sure that:
- Abortion for long periods is done in any clinic, just "this fool" did not want to go;
- that the weight of the pregnant woman increases exactly by the weight of the child, well, the maximum is more plus kilograms;
- that the mother of the baby has absolutely nothing to do but watch TV and still epilate her legs;
- that the child eats once a day, exactly at lunchtime, and sleeps the rest of the time;
Somewhere in the child must have a button to turn off crying. Here his favorite mom knows where this button is, and the foolish woman has yet to find her for some reason.
In short, the conclusion: the author is a capricious infantile, absolutely confident that everything should be as he wants. And if something is wrong, then the mom will run and wipe tears, in the extreme case - the uncle prosecutor will connect.
By the way, the boy doesn’t even think about the fact that his tearful postures his uncle. Regional prosecutors are few, it is not difficult to understand what it is about, for those who are aware of this story. The boy's cry will fall into the eyes of the uncle's leadership - and he can hurt small problems.

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