— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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About Bonbarderers (a childhood story of my class leader).

A long time ago, in the times of the USSR, her mother sent her to the store for bread, but she gave her more money, suddenly something good is thrown out for sale by evening, and the daughter will not be able to buy. And of course, she comes to the store, and there is a large row in the dairy department. She stood up there and asked the aunt next to her: “What are they selling?” and she struck something like “bur-bur” under her nose. She asked and received the same "bur-bur", but already with irritation. I decided not to ask anymore, but to listen to what people say to the seller, go to the counter. And there's the same thing - they say 'bur-bur', pay and get it in beautiful boxes. Here is her turn. And she decided, was not, to try to say something similar to what she had heard. She lowered her head, shrugged and, of course, she understood. And in the boxes was yogurt, at the time completely unknown to us.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna