— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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We go together, drink beer, and talk. A friend at the same time walks the dog on a short guide. The dog is of course the kindest and loves to lick everyone joyfully jumping around. But explain to the passers that these 50 kg are running to you not with a terrible stone in all the kicks and in order to eat, but with the sweetest lily and play.
On one of the paths, a lady came to meet, who saw a 50-kilogram Labrador, picking up a rat-like creature from the ground under strange circumstances called the "dog", intentionally loudly in our direction: "Masha, go here, they won't touch you." A friend silently gives me a beer, grabs a Labrador and says, “Don’t be afraid, Blake, they won’t bite us!” And also covering it by itself bypasses the lady.
A more surprised face and exhausted eyes could only be seen at DPSnik, when a few meters in front of him accidentally crossed 2 consecutive passing by.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna