— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Says this:
I listen to the weather forecast on the radio: the probability of rainfall is 67%. Go on, the dictator from the mahatma :-)

It is right:
The dictator makes the weather forecast.
A person operating with numbers not multiplied by 10 is a physics mathematician
The seller of the store is responsible for the unflavored sausage (incl. For your subjective taste.
- in the crowded public transportation, if necessary, only you go, the rest used to it from nothing to do
Buying a car for 2,000 U.S. dollars. And having killed it in 6 years of operation, you want to sell it for 1900, claiming that I bought it for 2. You won’t buy this car for 500.
You always have the "guilty bench", you are always a "chic fool". Turn your brain on, it’s time.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna