— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I: Today I have a Shakespeare’s Dilemma
To drink or not to drink, that is the question. • Crazy
That’s what I’ll tell you, my friend.
Drinking shit of course!Not even discussed!! to
I: But my friend, I do not know the measure.
I am not aware of what I am drunk in.
And in the morning of the morning,
Morgot: I have to pay for everything my friend :-D
I:self and the whole world a curse
I : but the price is too high because there are five liters of cognac :-)
MORGOT: Oh right how cute.I would fuck it all in one :)
I: And then an hour would be asleep under the bush
How sweet it would be in your heart. :D
I: Do not think of the soul Think of the stomach, because the inheritance day does not sing about love you serenade :-)
MORGOT: Oh fuck! so I will eat like a pidaras *ROFL* although the rhythm is weird, but still.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna