— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Role-playing competition, where teams choose some roles, although historical, although modern and play in this role throughout the competition, and then the jury evaluates this game and the best team is awarded... And there was that competition in addition to all the other teams - a team of 5 girls-vampires and a team of two guys - Bivis and Bathhead - two fools from cartoons and from the MTV channel. At that time, the two teams met in the field. The girls:
Be afraid of us! We are vampires!! to
and BIVIS:
GG... Who is it?
and Bathed:
GG... the girls.
and BIVIS:
GG... And what do they say?
and Bathed:
GG: They say it’s sausage.
Everyone who heard this dialogue (and it was almost the whole camp) was barely hysterical! The first place was given to this couple.


The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna