— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The Siberian International Marathon
My self-esteem fell to zero. I run the first 10 km, full of strength, a good pace, and then my grandparents start to overtake me, and I am 22 years old. So not one of some, but a lot, one by one, I think good, horses and not people, how many live all their lives are trained. At 10km there was a shit. Usually people prepare for this distance of 42,195 km for a very long time, exercise a lot, eat properly, in 3 - 4 days stop giving heavy loads. Well, and then a guy who is not a sports guy, unbarred, overtakes me... and from him the gesture is like a gout, I still felt him from the back! The fucking!! What an admin!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna