— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The Biological Forum.
The mice went into the yard. Impossible to remove. I noticed the strange thing - of those caught alive, two-thirds are dead in a few hours. What could it be?
Yyy: It may be an infection. Have you tried opening?
XHH: I thought maybe stress from catching. If I open, what to look for?
Yyy: Well, if the spleen and lymph nodes are clearly enlarged, then m.b. The infection.
Okay, I’ll catch a few, I’ll see.
WWW: Then those who don’t get killed should be opened for comparison.
YYY: Yes, a piece of 10, at least. Better to bigger.
zzz: Scientific approach in action. Now there are problems with mice in the yard.))))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna