— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Books and amins.
It is not a matter of profession, it is a matter of people. If you are an expert in your business, you deserve respect.
I have been engaged in yellow program and small admin for 15 years. During this time, the real accountants met a man ten, well twenty from power. People who are really good at accounting. The majority are not accountants, but operators 1C.
The task most often looks like this:
Make me right.
How is it right?
I don’t know, but it’s wrong now. You’re a programmer and you need to know.
Here it turns out that I am now not only a programmer, but also perfectly understand tax legislation, alcohol declarations, tax accounting of non-state pension funds, etc.
Paying the VAT? It is easy! Calculate the warranty on the stock option on the diesel fuel supply futures is easy! To figure out and calculate the value of three enterprises with complex property rights, mutually owned each other, to calculate dividend payments and taxes from them, including from foreign - I am a programmer, I know this! And I really can. is coming

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna