— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 53 - ]
xxx: and the counters of his neighbors above who live on 9m, are on 8m, respectively.
xxx: and eventually the upper neighbors who have lived in China for 10 months
xxx for this mistake.
xxx: paying his huge bills
xxx: and he is their copies
xxx :D
It is...
What are you pleased with? Or are you jealous? In fact, a person steals not even from some unclear “state” there, or from some “company” that still lives, but from specific people, their neighbors, like him. What he stopped at this, it was still necessary to open the door, to sell furniture, equipment, to hand over the apartment to some housing applicants... ah what a young man, ah how fun, you go on... and then sit down, and write a angry post about the officials robbing Russia... thief... contrary.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna