— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Once upon a time, when faxes were in fashion, we sent polite letters to our customers using that miraculous technique. And there was such a line in the letter: "Lord, we urge you to send us an act!"
Literally a few minutes after receipt, a frightened customer calls us, wondering what it is about, maybe an unexpected check hit or something else, because yes, they delayed the date, but not so much; and he is ready to confirm to anyone that it is their fault. We were somewhat shocked by such diligence, and on our part, we also asked what happened, that the most ordinary letter of reminder caused such a shower. The employer replied confusedly:
- Well, you write "Lord, we urge you to send us an act".
A few days later, we received the document along with a copy of the faxed letter. And yes, the first word fax printed so that at first glance it could only be read as "Lord." After that, we went for a long time in every letter so and write: very effective.

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