— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 44 - ]
I will add here:
to this:
Children don’t really need Bentley or even a bicycle. Children need loving parents.

Children need smart parents who would understand that the child is missing. I’ve also had all of these stuff with the "do together, create the atmosphere of a loving family". And on the bicycle - slapped, justifying this same care, to say to us in the village on the road a car could shoot down. So guess what I hate, and what I bought as soon as I earned myself, from the list: sitting in a family circle "you have your hands out of your ass what, the usual pudding to ruin!", a new year of broken dream, showed love that deprived me of the only thing I wanted for ten years, and a bicycle. And make conclusions, trays, with your maid-hands.

You're fine, you bought yourself a lisaped...I ended up worse.
I was convinced as a child that I didn’t need that. have convinced. I’m 30 and I don’t need anything. No bicycle, no bentley, no parents, no family at all. and Nihua.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna