— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Once asked... Enjoy it!

"The Ring of the World" Larry Niven (Niven)
Both "Odyssey "Arthur Clark
The Capricorn King - "Star Infantry"
and! Super super super super super cute!! - "Door in the Summer" of the same Heinlein.
Glenn Cook. Chronicles of the Black Squad
by Robert Silverberg. Chronicles of Majipur
"Flowers for Algeron"
Clifford Saymak: “All flesh is grass” (other name: “All flesh is grass”). And in general, all
Martin George "The Glass Flower" and Joan Wings "The Snow Queen"
Robert Arthur "A Postcard to Heaven"
Eric Frank Russell "The closest relative"
Unaccompanied Sonata' by Orson Scott Card
"Atlanta Raised the Shoulders" Alan Rand
Cycle of Andrei Lazartchuk "Hyperboric plague" : 1. "Look in the eyes of monsters", 2. "Hiperborean plague" and "March of the Ecclesiastes"
Cycle "Lunar rainbow" for adults, "Where are you, little bird" for teens.
The books of the Brothers Strugacki.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna