— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I am standing at a crossroads, in the booth is a haishnik sitting.Nisani comes out of the railway and crosses the double. The mint comes out of the bucket and tries to stop the niche, but the green grows and the niche breaks down and leaves, the mint sadly goes into the bucket. Further on the other side stops the dwarf and waits for the green to burn to unfold. Here comes out a haishnik with a proud view and a rod shows what he would have come to him, and a pick-up passes by. The pickup brakes and does not get out of the car, the jiggle stands and does not move when he realizes that it is whispering to him, knocked forward to rebuild, the mint with a proud look turned, and the jiggle broke from place. Mint with a fainting view looks at the pickup, which I don’t think long, also leaves. The bad day has begun!!! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna