— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 18 - ]
XHH: Generally speaking, I went out for a walk with a group in the queen. Well, I am modest, the first date was not glued somehow. Then they found a common language, the pause was less and less. And I look, next to us almost all the walk is a couple. I’m not a paranoid, but in an hour to choose the same route in a huge park? I watched. The guy, noticing my attention, began to gesture me, his girlfriend helped him, the gestures showed "take your hand", "take your hand", and so on. I was alert, I did not know how to perceive such a trolling, as a result, my modesty still did not allow anything to be done. Eventually, they took their hand and left. And the girl also noticed that I was distracted and upset that I did not listen to her. We have not talked for a week.
<many sympathy in the general conference>
zzz: so yes, this guy was me. seeing how you had been sucking for a whole month just thinking of inviting her to go for a walk, I decided to support you and show you the right example, otherwise you would have been walking like friends all night.
zzz: and you not only did not understand nihuya fucking, but also managed to capitalize!
Zzzz: I am not happy with you.
zzz: come to her, say that you have not found all the sculptures in the forest and call again.
ZZZ: Do it now. I will watch you. I give you a week.
YYY: Gentlemen, we have just observed the phenomenon of Misaki’s reincarnation into an alpha-guest.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna