— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Hate to Lawyers:

It is...
2 weeks of writing a contract, all their lawyers are not so
They signed and...
The store is empty, 16 weeks.
It is...

Two weeks? Contract of Sale? Have you tried to sell the strategic stockpile of weapons plutonium to Syria, and what, according to the scheme of debt settlement to the USSR?

If I need to sell something quickly, my lawyer goes to the client’s office (even if he is in another country), sits with him and his lawyers in the negotiating room, locks up from the inside and does not release anyone from there without the agreed text of the document. In the fifteen years of work of the case that this process took more than two days of negotiations, I did not happen.

Hire a professional who can defend your interests, and don’t bother. The lawyer of the client in your case worked correctly: it is better not to conclude a contract at all than to conclude it on obviously uncomfortable terms.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna