— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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An old quote, but still relevant.

The xxx:
I wonder why people who are free from the need to both go to work and communicate with colleagues (say, doing a volume translation in one barrel) ALWAYS switch to the day mode of Count Dracula? It lights - we go to bed, get up for lunch, the cycle closes.
Because in the evening and at night less distractive factors - calls, visits - nothing, respectively, does not interfere with working. This is the first. Secondly, if a person does not live alone, then during the day he is dragged to work, because few people understand that he who sits at home does not work and does not rest, but works. And when you get up with the first snakes, then without complaints – I was busy, I slept, and I slept because I worked at night.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna