— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I add :
Stop fighting about smoking ban! These laws are primarily aimed at reducing the number of new smokers (mostly young people), not against the old ones. Who smoked - he will smoke, and if the smoking person is not a joke, then he still observed most of these measures - not alone in the world lives and others also need to think about.


In ancient times it was considered normal to offer human sacrifices to the gods. Now the thought of it itself will make you shrink. In the same way, in the future, people will be frightened by the thought that drug addiction once existed. With policy in the field of drug addiction, the future can be approached or removed - to decide for us (well, theoretically, we elected the deputies).
And then the next problem will be, for example, that someone else is throwing rubbish past the urn. There will be strict laws against this, a quarrel will begin again, but it will take a while and people will start to shrink from the thought that once there were people who specifically consciously made their city (think only - their own, it would be nice to have a saboteur on the territory of the enemy, but not) dirty. And then there will be a new problem - space pilots are lazy to get stuck during the warp jump.

It is normal. This is development. must be so. Let us make an effort to bring the future closer, or at least let us try not to hinder its advent.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna