— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №155251
In Russian, the numbers are quite enough.

How about 20?

and twenty

20 – twenty, 30 – thirty, 40 – forty

No, forty

What is 40? Why is?

Yes, I’m XZ, just 40

Okay, then 50 – 50

No, we start adding “five” at the end, fifty.

Strange, but okay, 60 – sixty, 70 – seventy, 80 – eighty, 90 – ninety

No, ninety

What for? Why is there a hundred?

A hundred is 100

Is the ninety going before the hundred? Is it at all how? 100 to 100, how about 200?

Two hundred

- two turned into two and added "three", well, it is Russian language, three does not turn into some "three"? 300 - three hundred

No, three hundred

300 – three hundred, 400 – four hundred, 500 – five hundred

No, five hundred

And go to...

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №155250
I have a friend, Dim. He always loved to eat, but lately has generally released the chiefs, rotating a bowl of fried pork with potatoes almost every day. And on the weekend, he and his family generally have a hard day: swimsuits, swimsuits, baths.

I didn’t see him for a few months, and they literally met yesterday. All in updates - jeans, jacket, sweater. At first I didn't even recognize him - so fat, his face round like the moon. “Good health,” I say. You bought a coat last year and got a new one.

“Yes,” he replies, “today all the clothes are fucking, the jacket is seated, it doesn’t find.”

Well, as long as I am alive, I have never heard that the upper clothes were put on. Jeans and sweaters were also there.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №155249
Whoever does not work with folders, works with mommies. (Prophetic of System Admins)

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №155248
Some cases that occurred in life, seeming insignificant, after years are realized.Through a series of painful dejaws and illuminations - so this is what it was or who it was!!! And some immediately seem surprising, but continue to surprise much later again and again, as if a bubble is swallowing out of the information and knowledge obtained later.
In the 1970s, working in a student building unit, I was forced to rush home after the announcement of a big trouble. How then I found a message - a separate story, because then in the deaf non-Black Earth, not that there was no mail, telegraph and telephone - sometimes there was no electricity. The trouble began when he wounded his hand, he found only 10 rubles of money, only the shape remained clean, and the cedar asked for a bowl. Most importantly, I am late. Running to the station, I saw only the tail of the train, the last... the prospect of sitting overnight on the semi-station and more.
As he climbed up, he helped some grandfather with a stick. He looked like he said "old-regime" - a kosovorotka, a chromed boots jacket, a kind of armor on his head. But the jacket was really pre-revolutionary... I was not in the spirit, and I felt, the head was turning. Therefore, when the old man asked where I was going, he answered not very friendly. And the old man, looking at the astonishment of the blue-eyed with clear eyes, proposed: what about you, sweet servant, you will sit here at night, sit on the Moscow train, it is going in an hour, and in the capital you will just sit straight to the house! I was surprised by the knowledge of the routes, but I agreed – it would be even faster.
The next thing happened like in the fog...I helped the old woman to get up in the car, the driver, looking at my grandfather, suddenly led us in an empty couch and didn’t even take the stretched cherry...I was shaken and shaken. Grandfather suddenly touched my forehead, pulse, looked at somewhat wrapped, swollen brush and immediately said you have a flegmon and the infection of the blood begins. If I don’t clean it, I can die in a few hours. I said something - we say in the train, to the station to go, to the ambulance, to the hospital, I can not be late home and so on... But the old man and says - you can not get there, but he can clean up here, he is a doctor, but there is no time to think and doubt! He’s not Luca, but that’s his specialty.
And I immediately believed – the old man took out a box with tools, bandages, some bottles, spread a medical cloth. Immediately I said - I anesthetized only half a glass of vodka, which I caught... the next thing is remembered even more vaguely - the pain from the cut, something is flowing, some forging, something poured into the wound - but the pain was released very quickly, I, pressing my hand like a baby, suddenly relaxed and pulled me to sleep... But my grandfather gave me a thermometer, checking it every half an hour, and forbade me to fall asleep, inhibiting and forcing me to answer questions. I asked about him myself, he said something that he studied with some Luca in Pereyaslav, when he was still working in the earth hospital in the Vladimir province. At the surprise question – and how old my grandfather was, I got the shocking answer: hundred!!! to
And then he told that he was born in a family of priests in the Yaroslavl province, he himself graduated from the seminary and received the rank in the 19th century. but he was not attracted by his church profession - at the beginning of the twentieth century he enrolled in the Moscow University, the medical faculty. Grandfather remembered the outstanding scientists he studied with, celebrities – but I don’t remember who exactly... Then he worked in a small town in Yaroslavl, studied with an outstanding surgeon, who was also a priest – Luke.
And then there was the Imperialist, work in hospitals, then the revolution... Civil, White Army... And then the Soviet power was deprived of houses, jobs and imprisoned. But another trouble came - before the very Patriotic War, they created a fish reservoir and a hydroelectric power plant, and the town and the village simply drowned... Already then this physician-priest was an elderly and he did not have a home. He went to Russia and became a wandering pope. He came to Kiev just when the war began – withdrew with refugees, but the Germans overcame – fell into occupation. He walked through the villages, performed rites, treated in a quiet manner - the Germans repeatedly threatened to spy... He fell into a guerrilla detachment, treated, sang, and the partisans almost spied - they thought he was a spy. The commander, whose hand he saved... But after liberation by the Red Army, the officers were still struggling to find out. And they persecuted him in the camps until the fifty-sixth year. While I was sitting, I worked more and more in hospitals and I met Luke again! They let go, and there is nowhere to go, even if the passport was given. On Kolym, he worked in a hospital, with her, he lived in a cabin, but went back to walk in Russia - he reached Vladivostok and walked to the First Presbyterian! And then he walked around Vladimir and many places and quietly baptized and sang for food.
And then he said that he goes to Zagorsk, to the Lavra, to ask for the atonement of sins and shelter - there is no way to wander.
When I woke up in the morning, my grandfather, running and looking, said that I was okay, advised the doctor to go, pulled something in my hand and melted in the crowd of people going out. And in his hand was an aluminum cross curved.
Already in the late nineties, on a business trip, we talked in UAZIK on the road, and I remembered this story and showed that curved cross... The driver stopped so that I barely tried the windscreen on my forehead..The driver got the same cross and said that it belonged to his father, a former partisan, who had been looking for some pop that saved his life.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №155247
I bought a chocolate cake today. It turns out, the cake can be bought, even if there is no celebration! They don’t even check!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna