— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №111535
Uhu, of course, three millennia ago was the same system of counting (sounded as "minus such a year from the arrival of the unknown saint of the non-existent yet religion". And most importantly, sitting in the suitcase, you instantly learn about the event and start counting times "in a new style"!
Archaeologists have found an ancient Greek coin of the early period, on which the date - "300 B.C." was stamped.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №111534
I also had a lot of new erotic fantasies, but my husband is against us playing the wedding rituals of the Klingons.
You can see if he doesn’t want to scream=((
The fucking earth!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №111533
Thank you very much for "such" quotes. You finally let me go. So far.
with UV.
He was a frequent guest in the past.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №111532
The fact that a man has the means of transportation, except a bicycle, no, no woman would be completely embarrassed.But there is one NOT - the complex of integrity in them is more serious than in Pechkin, so even with a bicycle they will still be angry.

There are pleasant exceptions. The most charming person teaches in our institute and often comes in the right weather on a solo. He is beautiful! and :)

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №111531
The photo of the girl from the back, you can see a monstrous size design of hair (apparently artificial and more like fur) and long legs pulling out of the coat in socks.
Comment: Has Chubakka shaved his legs? O_O

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №111530
Steam: Recall to the game

Everything kills you from the beginning.
You are killed by a chicken, you are killed by a mill if you jump over a mill, you are killed by a brick, you are killed by a frog, you are killed by a hot spring, you are killed by a dinosaur, you are killed by a fish, you are killed by a bomb, you are killed by a fungus, and so on. I am breathing on the screen choosing the blade level

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №111529
Luckily, he is well too.
I told here that I decided to start a new life from Monday, start riding a bike to work and save on gasoline.
In the meantime, while he was driving a bicycle, his guy caught for the ride on the just burned red, discovering at the same time that the documents on the car he was fucking somewhere.
No, what he wanted, he got.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №111528
"May the strength come with you."
How did you get it, heretics. will be. before. How to confuse? Do you often encounter the expression "that the train comes with you"?

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №111527
There is an expression such as "Nothing is true, everything is permitted". Who is its author?
WOW: I do not know. They lost.
XHH: Who is it?
WOW: They are lost.
Zzzz: This is a philosopher – They lost. Author of 99% of quotes on the Internet.
See also: lol

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №111526
In the TOP of 25 quotes 14 about religion and faith, you didn't go?

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №111525
I don’t know (which number or clock was turned in the wrong direction today?)
Where is the fun? where is the fun?

Someone reminded me of the white back.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №111524
Jesus, the Virgin Mary and others. Someone really believes these stories. Even 2000 years ago, they were not very relevant to Russia. A set of situations of ancient Jewish houses. With colour and in the Middle East.
The virgin in the bottom brought the father and she was the mother of God from God. with miracles and resurrection.
I understand if it’s in a fantastic book somehow to process (a lot of them), but believe it? Do you believe you are a slave of God? The slave!! and rejoice in it.
There are no words.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №111523
XXX: Either a normal, indefinite contract, or look for another specialist.
YYY: What if I find it?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №111522
16929, his tirade, and especially this invaluable phrase:
Your ancestors have been listening to the bell for centuries. How do you get special privileges?

And your ancestors for thousands of years beat mammoths and sat on palms. So let’s go, throw the computer on which you’ve printed it, grab a spear and blow into the cave.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №111521
I love women’s novels.
A couple of pages - and you are already sleeping well

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №111520
If you drive out a fifth of effective managers with a salary of 5 lams of rubles per day, the electricians will walk a lifetime with an interval of 30 minutes across the country and for free!! to

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №111519
Sad April 1 joke: "and you have all the wages white"

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №111518
The Knowledge:

This: about a girl in a position that was stunned by bigtests. There are no girls in the position. They are no longer girls.
The appeal girl, to your attention, is widely used in relation to women (in your opinion, individuals of the female sex) regardless of their family status, sexual life, etc.
Except for some age attachment. But also to a woman of 35, yes, so often addressed.
The criteria for using such treatment, which sit in your head, especially no one is interested. Because they are in your head. And others, using these, not dependent on them (your criteria), nothing interferes with it.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №111517
xxx: And now, please explain in detail: why do you think I am boring?

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №111516
Ladies and gentlemen!

I strongly urge you to believe in the Invisible Pink Unicorn!
He is pink and invisible at the same time.! to

He has neither religion nor church.

And all this is absolutely free! No registration and no SMS.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna