— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №99901
After analyzing the behavior of more than 50 species, Lorenz concluded that in heavily armed species, evolutionary selection also developed a strong innate morality — an instinctive ban on using all weapons in intra-species clashes, especially if the defeated demonstrates submission. On the contrary, weakly armed species have a weak innate morality, since the strong innate morality of such species is evolutionarily useless. Man is by nature a weakly armed species (the attacker could only scratch, not dangerously hit, bite or stifle, and the victim had enough opportunities to escape). With the invention of artificial weapons, man became the most armed species on Earth, and morality remained at the same level. (from the wiki about Conrad Lorenz)

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №99900
The Ural. Tomorrow on July 1. Buying a potato:
I am: My dear! A fresh harvest?
P is yes. of Uzbekistan.
I (smelling more tightly in a thick autumn jacket): And our local isn’t?
When the seller roasted, he said that the fresh harvest of local potatoes in this weather will be next year, but he does not give a 100% guarantee.

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №99899
The larger the chest, the more tense the nerve endings.

A woman, nerve endings are not rubber to stretch) And their size does not depend on the size of the chest)))
Just women are not made under the copper, erogenous zones and sensitivity are different. Someone likes to bite and twist, someone gentle touches, someone is generally uncomfortable when the chest is touched.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №99898
How do you end up with such an end to the end?
– – – – – – – –
In ancient Rome, slaves were given enough for food and housing.
It is said that over two millennia, the principles of wage formation have virtually not changed.

But now the salary is not enough for that.

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №99897
Dialogue with friends about ammunition:
and.30-06? Not that they are not in the city. They are not in the shops, but one reserve companion - there is :)
I have little, very little.
(Remembering how many different ammunition you have in principle) I think a lot is for you how many tens of thousands? and :)
- I don't know) enough - it's for a couple of years, taking into account shooting once a month. You can do more of it, but there is nowhere to put it.)
and w. The men’s option "shoes are filled, but nothing to wear" :)

[ + 14 - ] Comment quote №99896
xxxx: strange, but sometimes sleep and not sleep happen at the same time.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №99895
xxx: my here burned... I woke up, so, and she gave me a similar to-o-om voice:
“Dear, I’ve seen an erotic dream about you!”
I’m doing love with a beautiful, tall muscle, he’s straight like Apollo. I feel good ".
xxx: "and here I see — you stand in the door and look!".
and xxx ((

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №99894
I understand the author of the story No. 14637 on the debt-bags - to the depths of the soul insulted onanist, since he was so angry that women, you see, are outraged when in public (!) Instead, the man pulls out his "dignity" to the general view? Really, shit, what’s that about? Next time don’t be embarrassed – sit down and mock right in the subway car, and if any TP starts to get upset, explain to her that this is a Christian neurosis, and all people are animals in general, this time you are afraid of the natural physiological process of the body, then mock to a psychologist, he will explain to you that this turns out to be the norm!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna