— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №151586
I read posts about people who borrowed money from their dearest friends and didn’t get it back, and decided to put in my 5 kopecks.

5 years ago asked me for a loan from a man connected with me by a long-standing friendship. Not much – 150 thousand rubles. I was greatly affected that year - I was promoted at work, bought an apartment in Lazarevskaya, a new car, and on the wave of all this I wanted to help someone. Boomerang is good, so to say. The money remained, and I gave a generous hand to a friend the necessary amount (he, by the way, a very wealthy person, 2 times a year to Turkey flown + relatives lived in Germany live and had a small business). They agreed to give in a month and a half.

The time has passed, there is no daylight. I wait, my friend. Half a month later, there was no money. I call. Mechanical girl says the subscriber is unavailable. He started looking for him alive, went to his home - there are strangers living there. They have lived for almost a month, the house has been sold. The fucking...

I found him in Однокашниках, asked about the money - he did not answer. After the fourth question, this pitcher blocked me.

And only 4 months after the unfortunate loan, I learn from a friend's acquaintances that he has long gone to Germany to the above-mentioned relatives, and they have long invited him to PMJ, made his own citizenship and does not blow. Therefore, this Gondon took my money without the intention of giving, dropped it down to Deutchland and just scored it? We’ve been friends for eight years. They fucking ate together. But someday I’ll go there, find him, and just ask, “Username, right? “!” Then you can die peacefully.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №151585
The repair of the neighbor can take a year, so let two. This is what we tolerate.

But will he be able to endure my first-class daughter with a violin?

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №151584
"The Swedish coach is crying of happiness! No, it was just one of the assistants who hit him with a finger in the eye.
From a sports report.

Not a battle, but rather a prologue or a beast who likes it.

I will start with the very old days, when Egor Gaidar was able to advance his theory of "shock therapy" and convinced everyone that "the market itself organizes everything" (the doctrine of the free market).
This is, shit, a doctor of economics! Oh, I took and organized the "one or two" myself... And with almost complete absence, at the time, at least any clear tax system, to replenish the budget. As a result, they got a disgusting mixture of wild capitalism and a systemic financial crisis, when almost half of the population, in order to survive somehow, began to trade what it would have to, and the other quarter to "crush" them. And there was a thin layer that shamelessly robbed the most lucrative industries of the former Soviet Union. Auctions were worth. When for the money of the state, the leading enterprises and other steam plants were acquired into private ownership. However, it is not about that.

In one of these emerging natural markets, where everyone was traded, and which in Russia already had millions, one figure went off and, having placed shelves with bars, began to charge the rent from the sellers. and what? With the administration of the district agreed, and the place is very good, a large transport connection at the intersection of routes to several sleeping areas. The market was not very large, there were a hundred places, but the rental was reasonable and the place could be paid daily - and it was crazy.

Almost immediately came to him guys in leather jackets with wide shoulders. Let us share. And he says, I will share, of course, but a little, because what do you have my "three pennies", look at how many shoppers in the market, and take from them...
Then the guys in this market of their brother, to collect daily "on the roof" from each place of 100 rubles (the number is conditional, so that you do not confuse and not confuse yourself with all these past inflation, devaluations and other denominations).
Brother so himself, from six, but instantly softened the ointment and began to collect at once for 150 rubles, rightly judging that the brigadier and the brigade are now not at all up to him, with all the then disassembly with the shooting, there the pieces are much fatter divided and covered... Well, a bit of a drop from a small market and fine. And for sellers, the amount is not small at all, but what to do, they scratch their teeth, but pay.

After some time, the brother-in-law has already seriously "raised up", the chain of gold in the thickness of the finger has grabbed, clutches on the fingers, the jeep has bought, "blown up" and like, as the very "started" on the shelves to bump, from the merchants a small tribute - he brought the "helper", coming himself only once in a few days to remove the "babes". And that guy also did not fail, after some time he raised the collection bar to 200 rubles. You have understood...

Commercials, of course, put this in the price of the goods... And the flow of buyers with each day is less and less, the prices are much higher than in many other places. There were places in the market to empty, who broke down, who left for others.
And then the landlord went to the brigadier: What do you fuck? When they came there, the brothers of these were dragged together, but when they felt a fried spot, they ran away. Designated a new one, already with strict control, but the final size of the tribute did not decrease, not in terms it is somehow. The business in the market soon died. They began to build a 3-storey shopping center in this place, but something did not work out... And for many years there was an empty framework, like a monument to the unlucky condom debility.

Do you think that was the case with your brothers?
Also a long time. A founder brought to me his relative. Take a cousin's brother to the position of manager of several shops. He looked at my unhappy face and took me to my office.
- Yes, I myself understand everything, but I couldn't refuse my aunt, look at him, maybe it'll be fine. And you will not have a card-blank in your hands, so refuse it with a clear conscience, I will not say a word, but try it... - and here is this relative mine of slow action? I have already written about something like this:

I wanted to hold him for months, and then to refuse, in favor of the best candidacy found at the time, but, frankly, I turned around, and after all, I didn't even have to look after and struggle. When after his studies and examination was already approaching the end of the internship, he came to me in the office for a "business" conversation:
I found an assistant here.
and!!! - I, gently to say, oh... (was stunned) And there is no doubt that he himself has already been taken to work.
He’s a great guy, I’ve shown him everything.
We do not have such a job on the schedule.
Don’t worry, I’ll pay you my salary. The Half. What is the difference to you?
Why is this for you?
- Well, he will work, and I want to blur another topic for now, there are labels here... - and such naive, holy simplicity... and unmistakable confidence in the sight. Type of estimate, as clearly as I invented.
Do they really exist? I thought overwhelmed. It was necessary to personally take the exam after training, but the girls from the staff department were afraid to offend a relative and I, the puppies, did not say anything. Somehow I let this matter go on my own.
While I was thinking about it, he was flooded, however, quite knowledgeable of the terminology, but not listening to this, it is time to interrupt:
- Listen, and go you... to Vladimir (founder) and tell how clever you came up with. Probably, he will take you immediately into the board of directors, you have nothing to do with us in this position, not yours this level... - I depicted admiration, hardly remaining serious and trying not to laugh... And I believed... And I went to the confident and bold walk of a cool businessman...
Oh, and I’m going to have a staff department now!

And ten minutes later, the founder calls on the inside, whispers, sprinkling through the pipe with saliva. Come in to me.
You greatly tailored it to me. And I could not understand at first what he is carrying "purga hamam" and referring to you that you fully supported him. Only when he spoke about the board of directors... and again fell into a paroxysm of laughter... I knew he was a guy not far away, but to such a degree...
Thank you, we might not put such experiments on the retail. Don't you think it's easier to give such relatives a little money? It will be cheaper.
- I thought, maybe you will turn, what useful you will learn, or suddenly... maybe... If not, I would have turned all the arrows on you before my aunt. And so I drove him out myself, even from the protection, I roughly sent far and deep, now in general in front of my aunt the enemy of the people. And she grew up on her arms as my mother-in-law, though older than seven years in all... First I was upset, then it became ridiculous. When he finally laughed, he became serious:
Do you think I don’t give them money? The money was not enough, but the ambition was wasted. How did the fool finish college? This is what is surprising. Humorous economist...

Do you think it’s all the ancient legends? Now it’s the same... Believe me, even more interesting.
I periodically monitored the labor market and noticed that in some even very well-known trading companies the position of "assistant sales manager" began to appear.
For foreign readers, long separated from the realities of modern Russia, an explanation is needed: Managers are called anyone, any office employee, but almost never managers, any link. Those still (and thank God): Directors, Chiefs, Managers, or, at the worst, just Managers. Wherever you go, you will find the manager.
In short, a sales manager is an absolutely ordinary sales employee. A person who has to hang on the phone or "in the fields", pushing out the tongue, running, looking for clients.
And here, the drum crush, he has an assistant! I even know what justification they invented. A type of routine, paperwork and documentary work, which greatly prevents you from allocating a proper amount of time to clients. Do not go to the grandmother, such an assistant will eventually be hanged not only paper, but also all the basic work, and they will begin to do anything but not work, occasionally giving the assistant a multi-minded CU ("this u" - valuable instructions). Wouldn’t it be easier to change the process? Hire one (for example, for ten sellers) “click-to-knop” girl, with a middle-special accounting education, who will issue all these accounts, reserves, bills, acts and c/factures “to the mountain” with a machine gun speed. Then the assistant will appear...What does the manager think? Or are the assistants driving? For me, this is almost an insulting word.

Or this is the case, not so long ago. The manager of the staff service comes to me to agree on the placement of vacancies. My eyes run through the list... O-o-o, and who is this? Director of Cleaning! The cleaner, right?
- Listen-a-ai, and let's do better so: Director of the shovel, Head of the vacuum cleaners, Head of the erchikov... And necessarily in the requirements knowledge of English, or suddenly the imported toilet cleaning tool is not intended to use...
Why are you constantly talking to me?
How can I not bite? Here we read what you write: "In a fast-growing, with branches all over..." I don't understand, we are recruiting who? Cleaning in the office or not?
Everyone writes so...
You are the smartest person and the most valuable expert in what! The system of training, motivation and evaluation of sellers has been developed, protected and implemented, but it seems that the business has played and the concepts are confused. Do you know the translation of the website name? Here, the hunter of heads, and you place an advertisement for the vacancy of the cleaner there, and also with this title of the position and text. What kind of pattern approach did you not try to turn your head on?
How then to look for?
- I don't seem to have tried it, here are two options: in the neighboring houses you display ads and tomorrow you have a turn from Baba Man and Aunt Klaw. Do not want to do so, walk through the neighboring offices in the BC (business center) and talk to the cleaners. Maybe they clean up there in the evening and will be happy with us in the morning or vice versa.
- This is the beginning of the warehouse loaders constantly recruiting, at least once to you with this question? This is exactly what is not. And you don’t even know how he does it, and the flow is wild there. He’s very hard with them, fuck them. He takes their passports and patents in the morning and closes them in the safe, and after they change their clothes, the closet is also on the key. Only then is it allowed in the warehouse. He has no shortcomings and ratsiness, because he thinks with his head, not with official instructions.
- And we will take such a cleaning manager (ha-ha) through hh, so she will ask for an assistant in a month, or even two. It will be beautiful! The type lacks time to properly organize the business process of quality cleaning in a separate room of a fast-growing company.
In conclusion, I quoted the notorious Eugene Chitchwarkin: "Sometimes some linear leaders have a nymph above their heads. If the light first enters the room, and then such a manager - fuck him with a stick on the head until that nymph flies." Then for the media the expression was slapped and corrected, but I remember exactly that. Why quoted it? Not to relax...

Fifteen years ago, I read a book by a well-known management theorist, like Michael McConnell (I’m Wrong?). So, the author there pushed the assumption that any (!) The organizational structure, a priori, seeks to expand, primarily, at the expense of administrative personnel. This type in human nature is laid down, practically at the genetic level, this is the desire to transfer any matter to another, preferably subordinate to you, and if there is no such thing, then you need to do everything possible to appear. Even the beautiful word came up with “delegation of powers.” Then I remembered and the further, the more I am convinced - the author is absolutely right.

But it is a business, with a clear and understandable criterion of success - profit. What happens to officials? Look at the statistics in Russia. My dear mother! The number of them from 1994 to 2016 grew to two (!) the times. Moreover, a surprising moment, the biggest leaps in growth on the chart were observed in the most crisis years: 1998, 2008, 2014. And this despite the declarations and attempts from the top leadership to conduct restrictions and reductions. Even online services, long and successfully working, such as state services, electronic declarations and the like, do not help.

What is happening in developed countries? We will not take any Egyptians and other Somalis there, only the top 20.
Oh you! Russia in the number of officials per capita is far ahead of the entire planet. Much less in China, but in Germany, in Austria, in France, in the United States, and much more elsewhere, and especially in Canada – more. Statistics on growth in these countries did not find, only from the U.S. news agency USAToday, that from 1996 to 2016 the number of U.S. officials grew by 2.5 million people. I don’t know how much this is in percentage, but I know that’s a lot. In the past five years, the number of U.S. officials with an annual income of more than $150,000 per year has increased by more than 1,000%. Those who earn more than $180,000 have increased by 2,000% over the same period (2011-2016).
In Russia, too, expenditure has increased, only for the salary of this brotherhood in the last couple of years, the budget has increased by 200%.
Fruit and grease urticaria seeds... assistants...
A global trend, but...

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №151583
Once upon a time, when there were no social networks, only the family knew you were a fool.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna