— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №110496
By the way, "care for nature" is the greatest hypocrisy of mankind. Nature does not need to be protected - it has given birth to all the stars in all known galaxies, and the excess of a bag thrown away will not harm it; but people are fucking.
What is the cause of “caring for nature” – hypocrisy? For example, I care about nature only because it is more pleasant for me to live in cleanliness than in the landfill. And I am a puppy, a puppy of nature, or not a puppy, that I prefer not to wrap up with bags, which in just a couple or three million years will turn into nothing.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №110495
When I was a first-class student, the practical lessons of some pickup workshop were held right in front of our institute during the warm season (from somewhere in late April to about mid-October). All the students and young teachers have already perceived these "practicants" as an element of furniture and on numerous "originals" they have reacted about like bird trellis in the grove - well, there is, you will not seriously talk to singing birds.

The few boys (I studied in the evening department, which does not give armor from the army, so the boys were either "non-workers" or already serving, but they were in any case a vast minority) were, as it turned out, not aware of such a spicy detail of the girl's life.

And here is the end of June, the summer session, a warm evening. I go to the subway after the exam, and I get one, second, third, and I measure them with a contemptible look and go on, all so independent. The next day, my classmate Max called me on a date - it turned out he was walking a few meters behind my back, watching the whole scene and decided that I was an offensive fateful woman, because men are so massively indifferent to me. We met for five years and almost got married.

Overall, I personally think the pickup is a great thing.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №110494
What fucking shit is this site?
Q: Are you concerned about the ignorance of its users?

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №110493
It is strange. I see such containers and a few rubles (completely thin type as single-use plates - or as for ice cream at 0.5kg which) and 30-40-50p in shops such as Ashan are already quite thick - but still another 10-30 times the maximum.

More or less decent really rubles 70-100, but this is either very large (0.7-1l) or still sets of 2-3 pieces. And the plastic there is already thick and higher quality.

Those that do not melt in the microwave and do not flow into the bag of the faithful are worth a hundred per piece, and yes, it must be large enough for the husband to eat. And +100 r for lunch every day? Yes, and it has to be a joke of some sort, so as not to wash out just one container.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №110492
From the discussion of the article from Habr:

xxx: And if you only get the next everywhere, you can get to the yandex bar.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №110491
Snaiper: Yes, these birds seem to joke at my car!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №110490
She must be careful in everything, any defect will be much harder to be ashamed, and boys are initially granted a moratorium on laziness and hooliganism.
Not that against the common message, but to slander the vocabulary meaning of the word "moratorium" was still worth it, as if it was not used in place :-/

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №110489
I tell you, they never understood me at all. Now they need to get married, get married – and this is me, a man who returned to freedom six years ago and is not going to say goodbye to her a second time! They also announced to me after the third grade: "Vanechka, you will go to the camp for the summer," and I was at that time counting in "Youth" and "Contemporary" about the Terrible Gulag Camps, which wiped out all the memory of the pioneer camps, and caught hysteria in response to their offer.
Captain Gray: But did you go to the camp?
I went wherever I went. There, of course, was no GULAG, but I still limited myself to one time. and :)
Captain Gray: Once in a camp, once married... I’m afraid to ask what you have with your gay experience. It does not count once either.
Go to Nakher. and :)
Captain Gray: Is that why you don’t want to get married?

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №110488
But one response struck with its originality.
I’m in the car and the wind is shedding my white hair.

Well, I just learned to ride a motorcycle to come somewhere, take off the helmet...and everyone will see the long hair and will be "wow, it turns out to be a girl" :)

And the car I started driving, so gracefully get out of the car and carelessly put it on the alarm "pi pi" :)

But it was all 15 years ago, now I use the car for more prosaic purposes :)

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №110487
XX: I’m probably a latent hickey.
XX: That is, I have to go to work, nobody will make money for me. I go to school, but without her. But in your free time for nothing go, this out-of-the-country "rest" worse than work is exhausting!
UUU: In the ancient times of my youth, "latent hicks" were commonly referred to as "domosades".

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №110486
xxx, 08.03.15 16:57> The wife pumped out another collection of humorous fantasy with necromants and lay down on the couch to read it. She wanted to bite something sweet, and she asked me to roast blenders with apples.
xxx, 08.03.15 16:57> And I, as a sin, was busy passing the next level in the debugger, and I did not want to break away from it, so I tried to convince my wife that she wants chocolate. She insisted on the blinkers.
xxx, 08.03.15 16:58> And why did I argue my position with the phrase: “Silence, woman, your day is March 8!”?! to
xxx, 08.03.15 16:58> I had to fry.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №110485
If you meet a Buddha on the road, kill him" - where can you find a book in Russian, don't tell me?
Buddha: If you find this book, break it.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №110484
About the engineering mind:
My wife is cooking dinner in the oven and I put my child to sleep. The apartment is a studio, the action takes place in one room. The child fell asleep. Here we understand with horror that the timer will work now, very loud. Don’t take the child to another room – he will wake up. In the head instant action options: cover the plate with a blanket, stifle. Close the ears of the child with the fingers and wait until it works... Here the spouse (candidate of technical sciences) approaches the plate and with a happy face starts the timer for another 90 minutes... Marry girls with a technical education...

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №110483
Two stories from the 21st century:
1st Solar-powered plane begins flight around the world
2nd Novosibirsk court tries director for production of opera Wagner
= = = = = is = is = is = is = is = is = is = is = is
How can the same civilization create such a technique and suffer from religious torture?! to
Although not, the aircraft is not Russian, the norm...

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №110482
With any random press of the key combination, Mozilla recognizes it as a command and joyfully rolls out on the screen some new jerk.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №110481
In the morning, I took my daughter to school, before work for another 2 hours, I sit on the couch, the dog lies in my feet and gently licked my legs, the cat grinds on my arms and gently licked his hands. Great, of course, it is only a pity that my husband is still asleep!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №110480
L: And I was invited to work at the Post of Russia :)
Agree and come in a month. Do not come you. So that they understand what it is!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №110479
exactly is. Women are also not born with the ability to cook borst. But what about a woman who will advise you to call a cook at home?
I’m more interested in what the woman I invite to cook the borst will say, frankly.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №110478
From the Historic Forum:
Even in the field of defense with Francis wanted to remove the armor, but a lot of secret drives, hooks, even castles did not do this without the consent of the master, so difficult were the armor of the King of France. He was held in the fortress of Picgettone for a year and then taken to Madrid. Such protective weapons were expensive even for the king.
UUU: "The whole year he was held in the fortress of Picgetton"... See, without removing his armor.
SSS: Represented the incisiveness of the armor little of what is on the wheel, as well as on the secret. Gnetet, which remains unknown, which element of the armor was closed on the swab.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №110477
From Habr, a commentary on The History of the Space Toilet:
Light up on the moon so that Curiosity can find the remains of organic origin.
- Curiosity with all the desire can not find anything but the moon, because it is on Mars

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