— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №138716
by Spikabu:

The story happened to my brother. He was operated and administered general anesthesia, according to his words.
I open my eyes, and I see myself from above, as I am lying on a catwalk and all. A feeling of panic, a bunch of thoughts in the head. Thinking everything, the soul goes to the right place. But everything became clear when the nurse hung over him. It turned out that after a successful operation, he was taken to the chamber on a catallic and transported to the desired floor by elevator. And the designer of the elevator decided that the mirror ceiling will stand better than ever.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №138715
Hubr, comments on the translation "If carpenters were hired in the same way as programmers"
A good carpenter knows his tail as his five fingers, and a bad man as his three fingers.
Perfect as your twenty fingers! The average person has two arms, two legs and five fingers on each of these limbs. And the phrase about his five fingers was apparently invented by some disabled man!
Not a disabled, but a highly specialized worker. Of all the diversity of his fingers, he knows 5 of them perfectly, with the remaining 15 fingers he just had to encounter in other projects...
444: Then, twenty one finger.
555: Sexual discrimination
666: Do you have... a finger there?
777: Chernobyl, Hiroshima, all affairs

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №138714
From false science television broadcasts:
The xxx:
The problem is not in the "question". The problem of education. To educate and inject culture is necessary for a person from childhood to death. And in difficult years, it is easier to pair up any heresy. Uncontrolled frictions on TV. Under capitalism, demand does not generate supply, but supply is aggressively imposed on the consumer. This has long been understood. Let me give an example. In the years of the WOW, our people lived as hard. But the management kept the educational work under control. Scientific work on many areas unrelated to war was not even stopped. The whole country was bleeding. But in the calm and saturated 80s, active advertising of religion and anti-scientific ideas began. All this was used for quick and easy enrichment.
If you let a person go, do not control him in any way, he will immediately slide into a hole, that is, turn into an ordinary, insecure animal. In order for him to go to the mountain, he needs to be pushed there, and it is best to drive him with his pencil. In order not to get an extra penalty, he will start to optimize the climb, invent any useful on the way up, improve the climb, and still get to the top.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №138713
"Do not harm-glycine prescribe and take care." quote from one doctor

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №138712
How to make a husband a jewel?
He is a jewel. The serpent is called.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №138711
xxx: No, you still have to print on the T-shirt "nain". How much is sadness worth?

Sadness in Russia is free.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №138710
In one house on the outskirts of the balcony of the 3rd floor was hanging a fur toy with a rope attached to the neck. Then I realized that this was a toy.The enot was brightly red.The real cat dropped the toy several times and hanged it out.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №138709
In general, you should always try to think positively, because it is only on the one hand, the bad head does not give the feet peace, but on the other hand, movement is life.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №138708
In any team, especially if it consists of 90% of the weaker sex, there must be a "curiosity Barbary". She needs to know everything. Who, with whom, where, when and how. Because not discussing someone else’s life, decorating it with your fantasies is boring.

Our is no exception.

But the female majority is diluted by several men, one of them is my husband. Our cabinets are across the wall, and of course we eat lunch together. Lunch I take in a small litre thermos, ordinary, with a metal surface, something reminiscent of a military projectile. We call it the bullet.

Lunch time is slowly approaching, and thoughts are only about food. The husband looks into the office and asks, “Well, carry a 150-mm projectile?”

It seems to me to be smaller in diameter, and I say, bear, of course... at this point, the Cabinet is entering the “Curiosity Barbary,” and I continue:

“No, what 15 centimeters? There are 10 of the power! "

The barbarians, not knowing what they are talking about, listen with interest. My husband gets a line from my desk, and says, I am now measuring and telling exactly. It comes out. Barbarians’ eyes glow from curiosity.

After a few seconds, the husband comes in and says proudly - measured! 10 cm! I get to the comic of the situation, the "Barbara" disappointedly looks at my faithful and asks, "Only 10 cm? "

“That is in diameter!” My husband answered misunderstood.

You could see her eyes...

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №138707
Technical support from accounting:
My flash is not opened again. I brought it from home...
Sappport: Probably a virus has settled on your flash drive again, and the antivirus does not allow you to open it.
Where can I open it? Who has no antivirus?? to

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №138706
Yesterday I listened to the radio, where the theme of the hour was: "Tell me, what strange taxi drivers or just drivers did you have to drive with?"

The guy called, then with his words:

We went on a geological tour (in the beginning, I think, it’s already fine). In general, we catch a hole, somewhere under the caluga. We were three, no one has stopped for an hour. Suddenly a man comes in a motorcycle with a wheelchair and says:

- Boys, sit down, but I will not put anyone in the wheelchair, there is a plant.

Well, we both sat behind the man, the third friend sat on top of the wheelchair, so as not to hinder the plantation to go to the country. They touched, and 10 minutes later, at a speed of 60 km/h, the man turned to us and said:

You are good at going on trips. I would be sober, no matter what I would put you in jail.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №138705
I remembered working in a cellular salon and a client came to me with a request to set up him on the tablet for a football app. And he was sick for the same team that I liked as a child. Well, I think I will make him a bonus all the adjustments. 10 minutes of training, training.

The client says, “What do you owe it?”

I say that nothing, still people do not, consider it a gift. He was pleased and left. But five minutes later, he returned, gave me a key with the number 7 on it, and went away thanking me.

I was a little surprised what that meant. But then I looked at the brick and there was the name of the store. The key was from the box where the bags are left before entering the store.

Quests have begun!

Well I decided to walk before this shop (was not far from the salon), because it is an intrigue!! to

I came to the store, found a box, put in the key, open the door and... There is a couple of beers and some snacks.

What to say) It was a good bonus for me at the end of the working day and a very original layout)

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №138704
If the cat, while observing the birds from the window, fix the tail - it will begin to vibrate relative to the tail!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №138703
"Who are we here? Who smells bad? Who is screaming on the uncle?" - so we police officers take out of the entrance of the alkas)

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №138702
I work as an editor. I realized with sadness that I reigned, but I did not reign. I do not reign.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №138701
Do you know what’s the worst about wages and prices? The competitors persistently call income in rubles, and spending in dollars. Who is removed from life?


[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №138700
Topic "Describe your character by the title of the film"

XXX: 72 meters

YYY: Going to Heaven

Zzzz: thank you for being alive

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №138699
Imho, philosophy is a science that explains some incomprehensible words with other incomprehensible words.
YYY: Well, let go, philosophy is the second propedevics!
XXX: This is what I am talking about.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №138698
Often with a haircut ?

ccc: Dick is the pure truth, about the "memory" of the hair bulb. No, I am serious. I will not find the article, but if you often cut your hair - it will grow much slower. At one time, probably nothing special will happen, but if constantly - then yes.

DDD: Fuck, why does the hair in the foreheads have such a bad memory?

eee: if the hair has a bad memory in the foreheads, then on the face of men the hair is generally thin - the more often you shave, the more actively they grow)))

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №138697

xxx: I am convinced that the ends of the indoor doors should be painted with reflective paint! As soon as I got my cloth in the darkness, I immediately realized it!
YYY: Just reflecting it in the dark? The glow of hungry eyes.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna