— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №110544
And in general, ladies, please help a man who wants to call things by their names, and has had to play a guess.
___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I can give you my husband’s recipe. Conducting me home on a slippery road, he embraced me. “Do you want to support me or to embrace me?” I asked, hoping to confuse him. “What’s wrong with wanting to embrace you?” he asked. He explained that he believes sexual desire is absolutely normal and healthy for both men and women. If two single people like each other, they can sleep, without any back-thoughts, long-playing plans, and second senses.
But we had a lot of common interests, so sex became a part of relationships and communication, not a goal in itself.

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №110543
I have had breakfast and lunch at McDake for eleven years almost every day (morning coffee with a thread of smoothies to work, lunch in the work break, because nearby). There are no health problems, there is no excess weight, I am still running to the fourteenth floor. What is wrong with him? Per you just don’t have to swallow?

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №110542
"You have been weighed. You were measured. And recognized as suitable" (c) Military Command.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №110541
The Russian series:
M: Your maid was found dead in your driver’s car.
Q: Do you want to tell me that I was left without a maid and without a driver?! to

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №110540
Conversation with a friend:
In the picture she is a fucker.
and Fu! "Ebir" sounds "telka".
Oh well hahaha.
-"Hahal" and "Ebir" have a clearly negative shade.
-"The guy" and the "young man" I don’t like. Let it be "Love"
What if she doesn’t love him? Maybe he is just a fucker?

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №110539
You are talking about food containers here.
It is offensive to me.
Bringed the boy to serve red caviar in a small favorite container from IKEA.
I clarify.In a small, from a set, where all such are quite huge and a few small.And all broke up - lost.
I come back in a few days to visit again.He says he had eaten caviar.
Where is the laundry?
He threw it out, by himself.
How can I now pack small portions? and new ones are not sold separately.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №110538
The movie was "The Breakthrough".
About whom?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №110537
Bones: I watched the presentation of new Apple products yesterday, all waiting for them to show a phone not able to shoot video in a vertical position.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №110536
She offered her breast and a scarf, and he gave her a hand and a heart.
No equal exchange.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №110535
The online store is 220. Product: pack of polyethylene (5 rubles).
Reviews as always great:
-Great thing, I don't know how before I did without this gadget... I especially liked that when choosing this product, it is suggested to buy the same and glue. very comfortable. Now life has gained color and meaning.
A beautiful package! I made it to myself - now I go to the gym. I have become muscular and strong, I enjoy the respect of my colleagues and the success of women. Thanks for 220 volts.
A very comfortable thing. I bought it to celebrate the new year. And not missed. Very convenient pencil, a bright logo, sometimes I go to school with it, take a backpack instead. It should also be given to the girls on March 8. The most perfect gift!
I ordered this miracle and never regretted it. In the rainy weather of St. Petersburg, I dress him on the head, I tie his hands on the back of the head so that he does not fly and the head is always dry and clean. Now I laugh at the rain, I smile at the cloudy passers with umbrellas, and they also smile in response. Probably envy, because such a trendy headdress is for 5 rubles. Nothing else to find.
The mood is improving!!! to

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №110534
The girl often talks in her dream. Tonight I pushed my elbow with the words "Look what a terrible aunt".

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №110533
The backpack, mourning for the "former - goats", who do not even congratulate on March 8 and bla bla bla.
Girl(s), are you really unable to realize the reason? It is not about politeness or ignorance. You have separated. All, the relationship is over. If this happened on the initiative of a guy, then you must suppose that you have ceased to mean anything to him. If this happened on your initiative, then the guy - which is quite natural - does not want to appear to be thrown into the friendship of a lamb, writing SMS on every occasion, only to remind yourself, it is painful and unpleasant to remind yourself once more about what has passed and what will not be. He will try to forget you as soon as possible, stop communicating and start life again. All you understand? You are no longer, it is over.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №110532
"Informatics for children in 2nd grade. The task of drawing in Paint cartoon. By the way, the textbook is drawn by Gromozeka"

The Informatics!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №110531
The holidays are over.
Whoever hasn’t slept is good.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №110530
And what does the container wash worse than a plate or pot? Maybe the thing is simply that men do not have a normal tool and a sponge at work?
You can, in principle, wash it as it works (anyway, it will not be worn or smelled), and at home then wash it normally?

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №110529
xxx: we have a line of products for sale "Oxyjet"
YYY: They are probably oh.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №110528
Director at the Planner:
Creators are fucking fucking. One proposes the slogan "Everyone should have a favorite chicken", the other for a remedy for hemorrhoids, from hemorrhoids, from SUCK!!There is nothing better than "Sweet as a kiss"!!! The client is still in the negotiation, can not cough! Frogs to God!! to

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №110527
Oh, I made a great purchase, thanks to the marketers. I wanted the guests to buy fruit tea in Lipton bags. and purchased. Meiji smells of something there. brought and read. The aroma of tea flowers. I drink tea with the smell of tea.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №110526
Announcement of sale of vas 21047
Commentary of the Seller

Dear lovers of the domestic car industry!
This is the best offer on the secondary market (after thorough examination).
The car was originally made from the factory.
Some elements of the body (especially the right threshold) are artificially outdated, which gives a special charm to the appearance of the car.
The basis for creating this miracle of technology served as an antique box of the 18th century. To enhance the feelings of possession of a rare thing, the glass lifts are made in the variant of clamps, open to the outside, if desired, can be equipped with curtains of any color.
GUR, ABS, SRS and others are absent to ease the mass of the car.
The engine without a colloquial: no turbines, compressors, intercullers and other sludge, produces 75 unstable oak forces.
Very spacious cabin and luggage compartment is a real value for boatmen and vegetable market workers.
From the tuning only the upper luggage.
I am not getting rid of the car. I will give it in careful hands. Taken under the project, but financial difficulties force to sell (I want PS4).
I will not go to the salon. I sleep in her every night.
Call only with real proposals, show and ride just will not!!!! to
It is possible to rent a car for meetings at the airport, weddings, funerals. 1500 / day

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №110525
One family has animals in the house, Barsik and Kesha. Do you think it’s a cat and a puppy? You think right! Just Kesha is a cat, and Barsik is a poppy. Down the stereotypes!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna