— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №8852
I definitely don’t like the trend... the stronger I move away from yesterday’s, the more I want to blow up tonight.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №8851
<ibh_wrk> if the electricity is suddenly and forever turned off, and the Stone Age comes,
<ibh_wrk> what will administrators and programmers do?
<rm> will work

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №8850
Ra9dom> Well what, eaten?
Flom> I open the refrigerator.
When I smelled the juice, my eyes blinked.
Flom> But when I saw the green chicken I barely wept :OO
Ra9dom> :O
Flom> The Apocalypse has cost - it is a tarhuna spilled from the upper shelf.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №8849
The meeting between Putin and Medvedev was shown on television.
Putin: Dmitry Anatolyevich, it would be right if you ordered the military prosecutor’s office bla bla bla.
Medvedev: Well, Vladimir Vladimirovich, I will of course give an order...

Do they not know that they have changed their places?? to

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №8848
I was crying last night... Just crying.
WOW: Did you go crazy?
I listened to the Umuturman yesterday, there is such a song - "and maybe this is a dream, this is a dream, this is a dream, wake me up, wake me up..." music is very sad. I invented myself. I think I would have woke up two years ago so that He would wake me up and say that I was shouting in my sleep... and that it would prove that I had dreamed for two years. And I would say, you know, I had a nightmare, as if you loved me, changed me, and we divorced you... and He would say, what nonsense you dream, you know that I only love you... and you would embrace me, and everything would be as before...
Well, no, I’ll pay myself now.
Well, you can imagine how far I got myself, jumping out the window, twenty minutes revet like a fool...
I am in :'(
And then started the song called "in my head the hawech" and ruined all the tragedy, because my cries turned into unworthy rust.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №8847
TomCat: I go to work, I see a car rolling with the inscription "Lady something there - a female taxi" and a woman driving
TomCat: I laugh at myself, I think PPS - for mortals
TomCat: and here this miracle rolls out to the meeting of the road with unilateral traffic and, SCUCO, SYGNALY to the meeting car
TomCat: *OMFG *

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №8846
xxx: MMM... I watched a telecar, there was a advertisement about a cow... more precisely about milk... the type of cow eats only the best fungi (The cows eat fungi?? O.o) and then gives cheese with mushrooms O.o.
XXX: But even more impressed me is that she also gives cheese with branches.
YYY: That milk has always caused me nightmares.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №8845
yyy (15:44:02 5/08/2008)
What will you do?

xxx (15:44:22 5/08/2008)
with compass.

yyy (15:44:30 5/08/2008)
Will you be alone?

xxx (15:44:49 5/08/2008)
Yes Yes

yyy (15:45:04 5/08/2008)
Can I then come? Drinking together?

xxx (15:45:17 5/08/2008)

yyy (15:45:21 5/08/2008)

yyy (15:45:28 5/08/2008)
I understand what she wrote.

yyy (15:46:45 5/08/2008)
I just wanted to visit you at all.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №8844
From the forum

Andrew, 31 December 2006 12:33:56
say only a clear part when excitement every day I struggle more accurately engage in ananisms and a couple of daji a day 2 times this may appeal to my calcan more accurately the member may be such that he will not get up

The answers:
PerGynt 31 December 2006 16:18:06
Hide your penis in the colchon and engage, at least twice a day, instead of onanism, in Russian grammar. This is a great attraction for your whole life. Aside from how to do onanism, they will not go anywhere to work with such literacy.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №8843
Stop cursing the Georgians! This is a matter of the hands of the Georgian military as perpetrators headed by their sinister false president, and what is happening there now is at the hands of a much greater number of countries and associations. Think of how many adequate people in the world, both in Georgia and in Ossetia, who dream of the least possible number of victims of this war.
Stay healthy and adequate people and be up to date, good news tell enough.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №8842
YYY: People suggest a good way to silence the feeling of year-old!
XXX: Now I will tell you one way, it has been used by people since ancient times.
YYY: So what did they do?? to
They ate...

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №8841
From the women’s website:
All of these statements are better rejected, replacing them with neutral: “You behave like a goat,” or “You have broken my whole life.”
Oh no fucking neutral.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №8840
One conference for Windows $ developers was attended by Steve Ballmer, among questions to him pleased one:

Mr. Steve Ballmer! How soon will there be switches for connecting game cartridges from the Dendy’1992 gaming console to the Microsoft Xbox 360?

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №8839
I don’t like August, like August, so the country begins a new ass!! to

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №8838
about scammers brokers at the Czech Customs (living in Prague)

A friend calls and so on.
I bought a shit.

How much duty?
Nothing but Ds.
I got my iPhone and I got 12.5% off.

I look at the table of customs - mobile phones. Without a duty. I ask for nonsense?

And here it comes. Look at the Fruits and Vegetables section. Apple – 12.5% +
3.5 EUR per 100 kg.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №8837
Yesterday stood in traffic jams, a white cabriolet is nearby, an impressive railway navigator is standing on the runway, the girl is driving, there is nothing to do about everything she looks at, 5 minutes passes, from the railway with a bad voice, we are standing. Fuck go on!" The girl is stupid, everyone is hysterical, everyone has forgotten to go somewhere)

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №8836
Q: Do you remember your childhood?
Was it in the sandbox?
WOW: Well yes. All kinds of houses, all kinds of castles, all kinds of houses.
I still played with the machines.)
WOW: What is it?
Oh, fucking, I walked past the sandbox and saw several graves in a row! The good ones are such... sand pebbles, instead of monuments, pieces of tiles that the streets bridge. Flowers from the grandmother's blooms lie and are poured around the ceramite.
Oh, oh, oh the puppy...
The current generation of dolbo-emo is going to the shadow; the next will be the generation of necromants.
Hulu: the upgraded Gothic, Hule))

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №8835
I sent the girl and sent her this message:

I was stupid, I did not act strategically.
A fool is in trouble.
You know, sweet and gentle,
I will tell you? Go to shit!

How much time was lost!
But nothing. I will find another.
I am clearly and clearly sure of this.
What about you... go fucking!

You mocked me, my brain composted.
I suffered like a sinner in hell.
Enough of. is enough. Do not agitate.
I tell you – go fucking!

received the answer:
What to say to this girl,
I have been suffering for a long time I will not find words.
In the end, I will tell my confident,
I’ll go, but no shit!! to

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №8834
She: Listen, let’s date once a week and just have sex without any relationship there?
He: No, thank you
She: Hoyace O_o

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №8833
Don’t be foolish and make jokes about Osetia. There people are dying, our friends and you, in our troops. This is no joke.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna