— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №153432
I talked to a client of our company. I learned that she has a twin sister. I started discussing this topic, and at some point I jokingly asked the question:

What is the worst thing a twin can do?

Go to porn.

This is indeed a terrible thing.)

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №153431
xxx: When I was 27, I was taught to debba in GDB by a girl who was 24. She has a driver under Linux Kernel wrote =) Very nice, contrary to stereotypes.

Yyy: Just Sanya didn’t cut her hair then.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №153430
Dishonest attention is easily recognized by a silent snoring.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №153429
There was the feminist Samantha Brick. She worked as an executive producer on top channels such as MTV. The job was prestigious and highly paid, but she didn't like "glass ceilings", and most bosses were misogyn. She decided to prove to them all that women can do well without men! After all, women are not inferior to men in anything - so why not organize their own company, where only women will be accepted? Smart, capable and career-oriented. They will work in harmony and sisterhood, without any ugly males there.

If a man in Britain tried to organize a company under the slogan “we don’t accept women,” he’t get out of the courts. The company would go bankrupt without having time to emerge, and he himself would be affected by feminists and made a crestomatic example of a dreamy patriarchal misogyne, after which he could only count on the work of a carrier. And so, everyone very much endorsed the idea of Samantha Brick. Try to say something, you won’t be happy.

said and done. Samantha laid the house to get the start-up capital; the area in which the company was supposed to operate (television) was well known to her, and Samantha’s reputation was high. The seven women she hired were delighted with her idea. It is true that they demanded high salaries, but it is fair – good professionals demand high salaries. And all wrapped...

A week later, the employees split into two cliques: those who worked together before, and the rest. The “Other” were not invited to lunch and coffee, and even when women met after work, it was easy to see who of them was considered cool and who was not: from who in what places sat around the table, who with whom was polite.

Then the battle began for clothes. Everyone was here for themselves. It was constantly said of the ugliness: one over-dressed, the other a false garment. If any girl demonstrated renewal, she was praised in the eyes, and in the eyes was subjected to devastating criticism. This rule had no exceptions. Samantha’s deputy, Sarah, refused to accept the best candidate for the post of secretary only because she didn’t distinguish between Missoni and Marc Jacobs brands. Samantha did not object.

Sarah still disliked the young employee, formerly his ex-girlfriend, because they came to the office with the same bags received as a Christmas gift. That is, they managed to make compliments to each other, but became enemies - at the expense of the company. Two other employees came into the office in the same jeans. One said that the jeans look better on her because she has the eighth size, and the other employee has the tenth.

Other employees were divided into those who used cosmetics and those who did not. Typical comments were “is she ever hairy?” Everyone in the bus probably thinks she’s a prostitute. Of course, all such comments were made behind the back.

Everyone was on a diet. If Samantha bought a sandwich with tuna, her eyes were called a pig (Samantha's size is 12). The two thickest girls liked to talk about the fatest, “If I were such a thick girl, I would have committed suicide.” Another pretended to drink low-fat latte – it was actually fat.

Leaving work to visit a beauty salon was fine. One girl was always late because of the fact that she painted her hair every morning, and when Samata put it on her face, she became very angry. He explained the reason for his delay. Others just arrived late, and if Samantha pointed at the clock, they said something about the late electric car. In the office, work was second after talk about shopping, boyfriends, and diets, and the poisonous comments of two employees who ticked their teeth on the third, Natasha. Six months later, the hostility reached such a degree that they simply took Natasha's laptop and refused to return it. In order to settle the incident, Samantha had to cancel all meetings and return to the office. Sarah refused to intervene, she didn’t want to be a “evil cop”.

Then the women began to argue openly. One of them said something ridiculous about the other, the other did not stay in debt, then the rest joined the quarrel, and soon in the office stood or and blasphemy. The quarrel ended in the fact that one of the women began to cry, and her friends were comforted. The group was divided into two parts: one in the office, the other in the toilet. Each group mocked the other in every way, and the work stood.

Then Samantha wrote instructions on how to be mutually polite. Everything revolved around the fact that all colleagues had to be respected, criticism and gossip were prohibited. Everyone agreed, but in reality nothing changed. The girls continued to behave like before. And when one of the employees began to undergo a course of artificial insemination, she splashed out her hormone-induced anger on others without warning and without apologies. The same happened when someone had PMS – which happened very often because all employees were women.

But the hormones were only the second cause of absence and bad mood. The first reason was a love life. When one of the women broke up with her boyfriend, she sent Samantha a letter that she should be "super understanding and tactical with her at work." Her tears at work continued for a week, to the great joy of her enemies. The other, meeting with the two at once, instructed the employees what to say to which of the two guys. He had an excessive sexual appetite. And okay, but she devoted in detail her intimate life to all employees, whether they wanted it or not. Samantha often received complaints about her rude tongue.

The quarrels diminished when Samantha hired two male operators (operators have to pull heavy equipment by type of activity, so men usually go to this job). Women were distracted from their quarrels and began to flirt with boys.

A year later, the company had financial problems. Sarah was hospitalized for a month. Even she did not respond to the calls of people demanding payments on the bills, which destroyed the company's reputation. In an attempt to save the company, Samantha sold both of her cars, but it was too late. In March 2007, less than two years after the company was founded, it collapsed.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №153428
One girl confessed to me that in her past life she was a witch. How was it necessary to sin in order that after the torture of the Spanish Inquisition and the public execution on the fire to re-incarnate in Barnaul?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna