— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №113342
about all this gender joke with life advice, reproaches and wishes: how you fuck!!! to

[ + 32 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №113341
When knowledge is lacking, the notions of history and especially its distortions are very conditional and blurred, the place of facts is occupied by myths and the conjunctural reflection of individual events, their arbitrary interpretation by the first persons of the state. ..." The Information

Liberal-tolerantists also treat history freely.
Talk about the Covenant of Molotov-Ribbentrop. And about the Munich conspiracy, about attempts to conclude an alliance treaty with Poland (it was proposed to allocate on the territory of Poland a corridor about 10 km wide for the conduct of Soviet troops to the Polish-German border to repel possible attacks - Poland refused), England and France (it was proposed a full-fledged alliance treaty, with prescribed points on providing military assistance in the event of the beginning of the war - how many and what troops, in what time and where they should be deployed - England and France refused such a treaty, for example. They would like the same treaty as they had with Poland - the essence of it was reduced to "world-friendship-gloves" and no specifics - they are silent. In fact, they need to expose Stalin almost as Hitler’s ally, although the Malt-Ribbentrop pact was a forced measure and was a non-aggression pact, which is not an alliance treaty at all. About the surrender by England and France of Czechoslovakia (München-38) and Poland, too, are silent. And uncomfortable topics. There are many, very uncomfortable.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №113340
It’s right, there’s not much money.
and ***
I won’t quit my job for anything, even if my husband is a billionaire.
and ***
If I were a Rothschild, I would have been richer than he. How is it? I would do a shirt.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №113339
Existencial has all the posts so pretencially pink-vanial, she repeats so often that she is good and correct, that I am directly confident that she will rape chosen cats at night or break them into spare parts, and on holidays shoots people in the park.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №113338
xy: these green bags from the Cross - just a dream 'green'!
xy: very quickly break down, start at the store, and usually have time to completely break down on the way home.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №113337
There was a long-standing case in the United States in the 70s and 80s, they sent a detailed drawing of the atomic bomb and asked for a ransom. The CIA has concluded that the mafia can produce an atomic bomb in one year. And this student found somewhere drawings and decided to get rich.
This is one of the most important things in the world.

Sometimes it seems to me that after so many years of killing the foundations of thinking, nothing will help our country anymore.

A detailed drawing of the atomic bomb can be found in the school textbook. The difficulty is not at all in this, and even if someone kindly shares the full production documentation, the grouping of less than a "sovereign state" simply has no chance of success, and even more - to remain unnoticed in the course of the matter. So the next time you talk about ISIL, what, and so far - stop chopping the stuff from the boys from the courtyard and go live to the lessons.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №113336
Take a taxi. Listen, I’m a hundred meters away from home, if I go out here, will it be cheaper? Yes, it is cheaper. Brake, then I’ll go for a walk. It puts money, with the words "do not give" goes out. I: What is the meaning? X knows him.

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №113335
A resident of Khakasiya for 4 years used a hand grenade as a hammer, on May 12 in the press service of the UMVD of Russia on Abakan.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №113334
/* answers, category "On the project" */

X: Hello to you! Who had atrophic vaginal colpitis? How did you cure him?
Y: I did not have it. I would advise you to go to the appropriate category of the site.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №113333
The pig will fight for the mayor of the American city
We found something to surprise!
We have the whole livestock garden, then the goat, then the lamb, then the cock.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №113332
So, to the state-of-the-art students of military colleges, I very much even advise Janice on nurses. The profession is literally everywhere.

— — —
Especially when in a military town there is a clinic for three offices, including a dentistry, a two-chamber hospital and five beds, and 90 such clever military - from praporters to colonels, married to nurses.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №113331
As a child, I was jealous of Barbie because she had breasts and I didn’t. Now I have the fifth size, now let this fool be jealous.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №113330
I washed the terrarium today, changed the soil, poured fresh water, put fresh cucumbers.
What about the beast?
The hole dropped out of food and began to explore the surroundings.
I complain to my husband:
Why does the beast not eat food? Where did she go?
The husband:
She thinks "Where? All of it? What about"

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №113329

Q: Do you think it’s normal for 14-year-olds to have sex?! to
NN: I don’t think of course. Who will satisfy the goats?

[ + 20 - ] [5 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №113328
In Peter on some roads were found bordures.
The road services urgently began to replace them with railways.
p.s The joke
This is a picture of only part of the road and the sidewalk.
The comments:
1st Peter is
2nd How did you guess?
1st So clearly it is seen that the rebrands, not the bordures.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №113327
Luck - a lady of dubious origin with a shit reputation, who does not hate to spend time with all kinds of pups.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №113326
A friend told me.
His daughter was sick in a kindergarten. I had to go from work to bring him to the hospital, on the way to go for my wife. There is no place to park near your wife’s job – there is no place for an apple to fall. He stood up on the “accident” second row (!) Sign “Stop is prohibited”. And there, with a pleasant sight, the haishniks rush to him (what a day!) is
Good morning Sergeant Petrov. We violate?!...
Oh, I am waiting for you! A friend went to a w-bank.
In the sense...?
- Well, here is a bit of shit (showing an old scratch on the bumper) and washed. I called 02 and have been waiting for two hours.
No, it’s not with us...
Why not to you??? Are you a selection group?
No, it is not us. Wait for your crew.
You can form too! Should I wait three hours?
No No No No No No No No No No No No! They jump into a patrol car and quickly drop.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №113325
“Oh you, the dollar is not 67 rubles, but 51. “Let’s cut prices by a quarter.” None of the sellers said.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №113324
You are so unhappy.
Why is?
You are not living the way I am, you are living the wrong way, you are unhappy.
But I am very happy, I am satisfied.
The poor woman doesn’t even understand what she is saying.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №113323
In the Ash.
She: I am angry with you! RRRR is very evil! When will you repair me?
It is his own fault! We never get to him, but stop in the area of the couch, and then you know.
She: This time very naughty... plyijijizzi.
He is good. I will come now.
She is: Oh. You are not in haste. Fuck the clock. I have to prepare.
He is: What?
She: Well... the dust from the computer shake, take a shower...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna