— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №156896
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx When I was 12 years old, my neighbor gave me a gold ring with a ruby.

The truth about 2 hours later his aunt got worse and started looking for the ring, the boy confessed, and I had to give it back to these greedy people!!! to

Yyy: a ring with a ruby... I was 7 years old boy gave the keys to the apartment! In the evening, his mother came, and I was hiding in the bathroom from fear.

zzz:...hidden in the toilet of the new apartment))

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №156895
at work. We talk about how it is with wages in Europe. After a small dispute about the size of the average sp. In Spain, one of us proclaimed:

- Oh, look at the ad: air conditioning mechanic in this of your Spain - 7k euros.

The second fellow almost drowned the tea:

Are you serious? Okay, then I will drop.

Where do you drop it? I was surprised the first. You’re not an air conditioner, right? You do not know Spanish.

- Erunda, I re-qualify, and for 7k euros I will teach you Spanish on the go.

Okay, it will be shaken and will be.

Lo digo en serio, idiotas (I am serious, idiots)

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №156894
It’s better to be X than X.

[ + 34 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №156893

The flag was unknown. All the dembles went with serious, worried faces. They stopped educating young soldiers at night, stopped playing the dembel train, big races and other entertainment activities designed to color the dembel the remaining time before demobilization. The fact was that the prestige of Dembele disappeared. The most delightful piece of the Dumbell cake was not in a tailed parade, not in boots on double and triple heels, not in the Dumbell album. All this has long been prepared, hidden and awaited its time. The last dumbel courage disappeared. It consisted in performing the action of the energy-superior action of the previous dembels, performing the impossible, the tension of all mental and physical forces. The cherry blade on the Dembel cake of past years was a painted inscription on a rocky rock at a height of 10-15 meters above the water level – DMB – and the last two digits of the year. The rock was granite, located on the Turkish shore of the mountain river, which passed the border. Where the tradition of painting the letter DMB on the rock has come from, history is silent, but the first letters and numbers have been seen since 1965. The meaning of the service of each soldier and sergeant of the pledge, the highest point of sublimation of his mental and physical energy, was to leave behind on the rock the three promised letters and figures of the last year of service. Carrying the dumbels to the station, the shishiga always stopped in front of the rock with the promised letters and the dumbels orled to the chripot, photographed and drank the braga from the local rainbow. This was the highest meaning of the two-year warranty service, it was the transition of quantitative changes to qualitative. The whole philosophy of life was reflected in these three letters, which represented the sacred meaning of being of each dembel. It was impossible to understand how huge letters appear on a rocky rock in one night. After all, yesterday they were not there, and today they are – clearly demonstrating the military and political training of the Soviet border guard! How is it possible, without climbing equipment and proper training, the senior thought every time. Or maybe the Turks themselves are drawing, for provocation, blinking thoughts at the deputy. The commander of the pledge, delivering a farewell speech before the dembles, heavily mixed with matte and threats, carefully hid in his cheeks the smile of Jokonda. It came to the fact that the officers of the pledge began to bet on whether the inscription will appear this year or not.
As not warned the deputy, as not plagued the senior with prison and disagreement, the inscription appeared every year higher and higher, until it stood at the top of the rock. All of! There was nowhere! They swim! End of the comedy! We need to find a new meaning of life, change the system of values, build a new paradigm. That’s what Dumbledore has been doing for the last month. Every night they locked up in a capote and discussed the possible directions of the development of Dumbell's creativity. The senior quietly approached the door of the cockpit, listened and after five minutes caught himself on the fact that he began to participate mentally in the discussion - it will not go, it is not worthy, it is too small, but this is what I would try. The night talks ended. But no matter how hard the commander fathers tried to find out - what the dembel decided, the information did not come from the knockers, neither from the commander, nor from the capter! The tension grew, the day of demobilization was approaching, in the commander's speech at the morning divorce, more and more threats and unprinted words were heard! Zampolit every day checked all incoming and outgoing mail, read soldiers' letters, trying to find indirect traces of the idea. The senior took in his memory all the variants he had heard and worked out the measures of counteraction. The knockers, motivated by a ten-day vacation, feasted Dembel with cigarettes with a filter and attracted to sit in the kitchen under a fried potato. Every word spoken by Dembel was immediately known to the police and examined under a microscope. But it was all in vain. Per nothing will happen, all, all, swallowed the dumbel - the crumbling thought of the deputy politician.
The night before the demobilization turned out to be restless. The commander did not allow the officers to go to their wives, forcing them to carry out unplanned checks of duty dressing. The chief counted the sleeping in the barracks several times, and not trusting his sight, bowed to each and listened to his breath to determine whether he was sleeping or pretending to be a coward. In the morning, at the last construction of the dumbels, the commander saw the happy and cheerful faces not only of the dumbels, but also of the entire personnel. Everyone seems to know a secret and wait for it to be revealed. The commander was to his ear that no new inscriptions appeared on the rock, he was also amused and he began to wait with interest for the continuation.
For a better understanding of the subsequent events, we need to explain somewhat the disposition of the Soviet and Turkish shields. As we already understood, they were separated by a mountain river, which crossed the border. Both the Soviet and Turkish plots were located on the heights, to control the surrounding area. The Soviet flag was slightly higher than the Turkish, and the latter was well visible even without a binoculars. In length, the Soviet flag was west of the Turkish flag, which was also close to the mountain ribbon, so the morning sun, appearing from beyond the mountain, first illuminated the Soviet flag, and only then the Turkish. There was a mosque with four towers on the territory of the Turkish fortress. As soon as the sun reached the minaret, the mulla began to sing and the morning prayer began.
The construction of the sun-lit building has ended. The duty officer came to the commander with a steady step and about the construction. The commander spoke without the usual threats of recent times. He congratulated Dembel with the end of his service and wished him a decent civil life. After the commander's speech, the deputy gave the sign to the orchestra - to play the anthem of the Soviet Union. At this time the morning sun illuminated the top of the minaret on the Turkish side and the mule extended his morning prayer. The commander grumbled, but here strong Dumbledore voices began to sing the anthem of the Soviet Union. It must be, for two years I could not force it, and here by your own will! What an eagle I grew up! In the brain of the commander. Standing face to face, he did not see the Turkish pledge, but saw the joyful faces of his soldiers and officers who picked up the anthem of the Soviet Union. Sing it all! In a single drive! Their faces glowed with happiness and inspiration. Especially tried Dembele. Some were close to ecstasy! Suddenly, behind the commander, on a Turkish pledge, the mule interrupted the prayer and clearly pronounced a Russian word with an eastern accent – BLIAT, reinforced by a megaphone, which he did not turn off. The commander shrugged and turned. On the sun-lit minaret with bright red paint shone the inscription - DMB - 90! In front of the commander passed his entire life from kindergarten to this day! He turned face to face and grabbed the hymn of the Soviet Union with a vivid commander’s voice! It was just over a year before the collapse of the Soviet Union.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №156892
The billionaire Oleg Deripaska, who has a four-storey!!! He urged the Russians to be more humble.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna