— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №151275
In the morning, the son was appointed Karabas-Barabas. I found a hat, a beard, a scarf. There was no plank. Looking in the store, I ask the seller, “Is there a tile?” He advised me to contact the department 18+.) By the way, there and bought a tile-seedwood), I very much praised her consultant: "it does not hurt, you will like it." To my excuses, “This is for the morning son,” I laughed.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №151274
Sometimes it is so hard to prove that you are not a camel that it is easier to spit.

c) Petrucher

[ + 34 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №151273
Young people are not needed by the state, and the state owes nothing to young people. Good logic, but let’s turn it in the opposite direction. Young people don’t need such a state, and young people have to pay taxes to their parents. How do you?

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №151272
I stand in the bank box, a small row - literally a few people. Is the guy coming in to the box?

and yes.

The row moves quite sharply. In front of me there are a couple of people, and here the wallets are closed. The girl standing next to the box window, turns:

some technical failure.

The man who followed me (with sadness):

- I have become accustomed, where I won't come forever such a shit, then failure, then just the door is closed, then something is broken, in the best case just lunch.

The man who managed to take the line for this guy:

I need to go to the tax, can you go with me?

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №151271
An ordinary day in the department of one IT-university. I sit with my graduate. A maid breaks into the office with a phrase: “There is a aunt who says she needs hackers (! ) is I sent her to you.”

A nice woman aged 30-35 enters and slowly begins to tell her story. A few months ago, with many other “not shufflers, but partners,” I invested in a company called, say, “Multi-Member Incorporated” (strangely enough, not “Cashbury”), which allegedly multiplied the money of depositors by betting on sports. On October 22, the office suddenly shrunk, announcing that the money will not be given to anyone. It would be nothing, but the woman came almost in mid-November. Knowing that such clashes are being prepared for months, I understand that the founders have long been forgiven. Actually, I’m surprised that their website still works.

In principle, the level of literacy of the investor (investor? The investors? It could be judged already by the fact that she was looking for a "hacker", so referring to the ordinary aitišnikov. I decided to see what happened to her accounts on this site. There were two — one was invested in the amount of a million rubles (and where do such people get such money? The second was a modest three hundred thousand.

The office site looks really fast, but the personal office was working at the time. The login and password from one of the accounts turned out to be the same and represented something like "*name_owner*2018". Withdrawal of money, of course, has long been unavailable. In addition, this company of successful investors was registered in Hong Kong, so that even the slightest hope of returning money to the depositor, who promised 50%, if it managed to return at least something, disappeared.

Realizing that even Mr. Robot himself would be powerless here, the businesswoman told the story of communicating with Moscow's "hackers", who promised with a hundred percent guarantee to withdraw her money from the accounts of the corporation of evil. I just had to pay it in advance! :) 10% of the amount that should be paid back. But here the contributor showed an unusual cleverness, writing the knights mouse and key that they can take even 20%, but only when they take out. The hackers did not joke offended and replied that they are not doing charity.

But it’s not just the crazy hackers who want to profit from the deceived lovers of the investment hole. The next stage was the appearance on the stage of the "Multi-Member Ink. “” A few days after the collapse of the pyramid, they hung on their website an announcement that for the miserable 4% of the money invested they were ready to return their deposits to “investors.” Transfers should be made in cryptocurrency and to the left wallet. Many immediately translated: they really invested millions and did not want to lose them. A few days later, a new announcement appeared: say, sorry, we had a failure, we have no idea who paid us and who did not. Translate another 4% and now we will definitely return, my mom swear. Well though, our failed client retained the remains of common sense and after the fall of the pyramid did not transfer money to anyone. I hope this situation will be a lesson for her and give her the experience not to fall into such a situation anymore.

I imagine what it all looked like on the other side of the barricades: “Look, these lochs bring everything and bring us money. A lot of things they took from us. Let’s get rid of it!” Everyone took everything, everything closed, closed the office, left, lost all social networks. And only their bots in Skype still throw voice messages, where they teach future successful investors how to make money.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №151270
Once very late in the evening, a woman called me in the home phone, and asked to turn off the light, because in the house opposite (meters at 80-100) her grandson can not sleep.

That’s how many apartments she called, carrying out people’s brains. And only stumbled on me, as I began in response to telling that recently invented such a good thing as curtains, and let it make money - now I will go down and sell her my old ones. When he came out, there was no one.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №151269
At the age of five, I learned from neighbors who were friends with my parents that Santa Claus, it turns out, if you put a valley under the tree, will put there a gift, the best you never even dreamed of. I put in the evening after such news quietly my valley, so that no one could see - suddenly Santa was frightened, and with anticipation began to wait for the gift from the morning. I wanted chocolate (I was an unpretentious child, and the times of my childhood were hard not only for me, but for the whole country). In the morning, the most terrible disappointment happened - there was no gift: I was crying, worried. I was comforted by the angry (just forgotten) parents, arguing about what was happening with the fact that the gift from DM just didn't get into my valley, because it is very small, and they offered to put the dad: the biggest, whatever fits, only wish. Faith in Santa Claus was restored, the plan of activities worked out: pulled the papa's valley under the tree and went to bed. In the morning a surprise awaited me: in the valley was lying a stunning labyrinth in a beautiful transparent envelope with a batch. His wings and clutches were incredibly thin and accurate, as if the replica had been reduced from the original. The swan was ready to fly away from my hands and at the same time so beautiful that I was eager to eat it, but my parents persuaded me. It was crazyly delicious, it is one of the brightest memories of my childhood. I always thought that my parents found money for this gift, unique and expensive at the time: it was hard, sometimes there was no enough bread from the salary, because the harsh 90s ruled in the courtyard. I remained in this ignorance until today (I am almost 31 years old): it turns out, my dad all night after my childhood tears glued this swallow by hand from sugar, removing the circular beauty of the wings from the syrup melted on gas. Until now, he doesn’t think of this act as something special, and I have tears of grief and gratitude for my happy childhood memories. Thank you Dad!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna