— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №139718
Taxes for those who do not pay taxes? The problem is that real tuna eaters just have a formal job with all the deductions, only they don’t work, but rather even harm. I think everyone understands who I am talking about.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №139717
American Mormon preacher beats Brazilian robbers

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №139716
Sorry, I always confuse Snow White and Beauty. And with Alexandra Grey.
Yyy: Stop fluffing, we’re going to the movie here.
Zzz: Are you against the creativity of Alexandra?
yyy: Well you, no, I watch her videos as training courses
Zzz: Is Sashuna Tea currently programming?
Yyy: Well, Python in her video is...
XXX: Which version?

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №139715
XXX: Yyy is itching your scratch. Right now here.
Zzzz: I am ashamed to ask. What is she chewing there?
XXX: The Hair
zzz: As a mathematician, of course, I understand that this is still not an accurate answer, but I will probably not clarify further. Maybe I don’t want to know that.
XXX: Whether you like it or not, but she scratched the beetle. Now he tries to fall asleep, but I am afraid I'm ridding too loudly

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №139714
In Kharkiv, a carpenter found a grenade in a garbage tank

Where did all this come from?
The Echo of War.

[ + 66 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №139713
The guy familiar with the girl communicated for quite a long time, met, spy-vili if possible. Time goes by and the girl began to sink, like, let’s take the apartment off, let’s live together. The guy for a long time went to rejection, sport, study, work out more... what a family life, but in the end the girl broke him. to try. How there lived well or badly, but after three months she comes home from work, and he packs things for leaving. He says that in another two weeks, it is plotted forward, live if necessary. There was a discussion on “What is the problem?” No problem, I tried and didn’t like it. During the interrogation, the man gave the following explanations:

- You spend your grandmothers only on yourself, on cosmetics, coffee and sweaters (which you then distribute to your friends), and I pay for everything. Apartment, food and the internet. I have no money for myself at all. I work more, I miss training because of this, and the money is much less. No free time at all. I was late, where were you? Do I have to go to training alone? Don’t meet with friends on the weekend. Why do I have to follow you all day long as I am bound to walk? Especially in shops. I forgot when I played the game. Television is one, and who chooses the program? I go to bed at 23:00 and get up early, you at 3:00 and sleep until 12:00. One hemorrhoids shorter, I did not understand this joke. not interesting.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №139712
The Hockey:

He smashed the ointment.
I thought I would go quickly.
H is there.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №139711
What have you just put on? "A song about crying"
- Actually "Romances about tears", but thank you for at least not "Particles about crying"...

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №139710
Friendship is friendship, not even intimate. Absolutely.
And a friend, it is when the "girl" in all possible ways hints on a possible continuation and at the same time "dynamite".

Well yes yes yes. "Let’s go down to the coffee shop, eat hunting", "Do you want to go out with a company on [name_film]?", "I go on horses tomorrow, go together, it will be fun", "What do you do on the weekend? I plan to go to a concert in another city / in nature / at a festival / in the zoo / for an exhibition, don't you want a comania?", "Lesha, I have cranes, I have a cat died, help distract" - here are just a few of the examples that for some reason the vast majority of male individuals from 16 to 45 considered a hint to continue. Cheers to you, dear ones? And why did the female friends perceive exactly the same proposals adequately, rather than as lesbian podcats? In a spermatoxic, any offer to spend time together, and even just a conversation from boredom, is already a hint for continuation. It’s not a girl’s problem, believe me.
And yes, an important clarification for lovers to build guesses. I never talked about paying my bills or anything else, and all these people knew this very well from their previous experience of communicating with me.
I agree with the previous commentator. The girl in most cases just wants to be friends, and you go everywhere with your piss.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №139709
The doctor prescribed a tomography. At the family council, they discussed whether to do it immediately for money or sign up for free. On the evening in the news story that the mummy from the Pushkin Museum was examined on a tomograph.

I: Here mummies free tomography done.

Timothy (9 years old): So she waited!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №139708
XXX: Hello

YYYYYYYYYYYYYYY I am okay, I do nothing. I do not owe money.

XXX: Go and go!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №139707
The story happened before the New Year. I go to Ashan to shop, and two guys follow me on the sidewalk. And they discuss their friend quite loudly, and the Caucasian accent and characteristic words, such as "brother" at each appeal, are heard quite clearly. The guys are young, talking in addition to the "chicks" twists. And then there is a phrase that I hadn’t expected to hear: “Brother, I’m telling him – what kind of doctor will you be if you hit the neuroscience?” And somehow the warmth in the soul became that it was not just a boy, but a man who already understands the value of education.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №139706
and cats

Initially, some wild cats began to stay near human settlements for a simple reason: together with people in the settlements were inhabited by pests rodents, which were much easier to look for and catch.
But people, seeing the benefits of cats, began to gradually taunt them. But in our time, cats already train people who feed them, breed them, and so on. And cats, whose age reaches 20 years, are now not as rare as, at least, 50 lt ago.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №139705
Would you better tell me, was it the man who forced the wild cat to evolve into a quiet and quiet cat so that it could be smoothed and pressed, or was it the cat who forced the wild man to evolve into a smart and working man so that he could take better care of the cats?

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №139704
The director should be like Sisadmin. I came to the company, set up everything in 2-3 months, continue to watch football and do not bother.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №139703
After university I got to work at NPS "Lysychansk" (oil pumping station) in the mechanical and technological service for the position of master on repair of technological installations. My immediate boss was Vladimir Nikolayevich Silkovy (the name is such), a man with a great sense of humor and mechanical engineer.
Nikolayich (as he was called by all the slider workers) had a severe vision defect, specifically - myopia (myopia), which made him wear glasses with very thick glasses. We called them “high pressure glasses.” Nikolayich was very embarrassed to wear these glasses, but without them he really saw nothing! Thus e. He did not distinguish faces, and most importantly, reacted only to movement (almost like a dinosaur :)).
I saw it once in my own eyes. We were sitting in the smoking room with the slugs, smoking, and here someone notices Nicholas, who is heading to us. Everyone quickly silenced and freezed. Well, I am showing my fist - say, stand still, be silent and don't move!
Nikolaich goes into the smoking room, looks carefully, squeezing (and he was without glasses) and gives out: "Damn... there is no one... Where are the people?" I barely held back to not hang out in the whole voice. Nicholas did not really see us. I realized that this has happened several times.
After a while, Vladimir Nikolaevich decided to do laser vision correction. Few people knew about this (and I learned at all by chance: I met him at the train station, buying a ticket to Kiev - to make a correction on the weekend). In general, Nikolaich did a vision correction, came to work on Monday and immediately went to the smoking room. I was sitting there, waiting for the reaction of the working people :)
Everyone saw the suitable Nikolaich, quickly froze, silenced. They sit and wait until he turns and leaves. Nikolayich approached, made a surprised face and began to look closely at the people. Then he said, “Are you blasphemous, how did the fools disperse here?“”
Without moving, the instrumentarist asked, "Nikolaich, and you, what, do you see us?"
Nikolai said loudly, “Of course, shit! Your magic no longer works. March to work invisible people!”

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №139702
The bomb asks:
What is it like to humiliate yourself every day for the sake of copies in order to prolong your futile existence?
I never worked as a manager.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №139701
I downloaded from the router the game that I have on the disk.
I didn’t want to get up from the chair.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №139700
− Damn, chtο should I tell him τeπer?
− The truth.
− Whatιο is the truth?
− Well I don’t know... Think of itτο-something.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №139699
I checked out the old documents and found a wonderful certificate. I keep in memory.
In the early 1990s, he obtained a gun permit. Accordingly, certificates from district dispensaries from a narcologist and a psychiatrist. And here the psychiatrist writes to me that I have " contraindications against wearing, storing and applying..."
So if I shoot anyone, I have a certificate, the doctor allowed me.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna