— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №158541
xxx: Once in the kitchen of a hostel in Washington participated in discussing the contribution of different nations to the victory in World War II. There were interesting stories from the French, Americans... You won’t even mention them all – 24 years have passed. But two guys from Tahiti were especially distinguished. They seriously explained that it was the Tahitians who made the main contribution to the victory - their Woody witches spoiled Hitler, and as a result he committed suicide. A few days later, Germany surrendered. Chess and Mat.

YYY: Have you waited for so many years, shit?? to

zzz: Wizards manou have been picked up for caste throughout Germany.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №158540
When I was in high school, I was afraid to stay home alone. To overcome her fear, she wore her father’s shoes, laughed loudly and sang bass songs. It seemed to me that if thieves, robbers, and fabulous wickedness would hear me, they would be frightened and would not enter the house. Threateningly, she sang songs of different repertoire, or more accurately, only two: the "Hymn of the Soviet Union" and "In the forest a tree tree was born". I did not know any more songs.

When my parents returned home, after the five-hour concerts I spoke only with a whisper, my legs were also sick.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №158539
Sometimes children make awful sounds. For example, they ask for money.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №158538
I had a crazy economics teacher. In the first class, he shouted, “First rule! All cell phones should be turned off. Whoever I hear, I throw them out of the door.” His own cell phone is ringing. He takes, opens the door and throws it out with the words, “This is a woman, I didn’t want to talk to her anyway.”

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №158537
My mother began to let me walk alone in the yard quite early - from 4 years old (she just opened the window and looked at me). I must say I was a very calm and obedient child. And then one time I disappeared. My mother ran all over the yard, and she was looking for me by the neighbors (she said, she almost sat down). Suddenly, a neighbor approaches her and says that I am in that house, in that apartment on memes! To my mom's question: why did I go there, I replied that my aunt came out and invited everyone to come in, well, I went))))

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №158536
I have a companion. Periodically we communicate under a beer, sometimes clumsy together. Shortly not close friends and home to each other were 1-2 times. And then a week ago he called and asked to go out to the entrance (he so often comes to negotiate at the expense of the forks). He went out and sat in the car with him.

Then he said: “Hello! We went to the sea to pick up. So it turned out that there is no one to leave the apartment, but we have some work planned on the gas pipeline at the entrance....Well, in any case, I will leave you the key and, if anything, I will call....

A week passed. He calls today.

T: Brothers, there the gas drivers have done the work, they now, in order to open the stall, very much need to look into all the apartments for the subject of leaks. I told him you would be there at three o’clock.

Oh well ok. I left at 15:00. He went up to the apartment. Gases run on the floors. I specified which apartment I was from and said that in 5-10 minutes they would come, I got the key (simple flat with teeth on one side). There are two castles at the door. One is obviously not suitable for me, because it is under the “butterfly” key. I inserted the key into the appropriate lock, checked two full turns with clear fixing clicks, then the key does not spin and the door does not open. I turned back and forth, and there was a man’s voice behind me.

M: And you are who?

I turned around and there was a 25-year-old. High and thin. The phone rings, it’s a companion. I forget about the boy, I begin to explain that the door does not open...

T: There must be Andrew, a long one, well brother, and I told you something about him... He has a second key! Only then don’t give him your key and don’t leave one there.

Are you Andrew? Open the lower lock.

They opened, showed the gas drivers, closed each with his key, fled.

I sit down and think: this is the conspirators shit! Neither I nor my cousin trust, and we are apparently embarrassed to steal together, as we see each other for the first time.

Funny story for such a case!

[ + 43 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №158535
I remembered the army.

We were taken to the outpost. Hairy, cuddled, in worn old pieces, which are not unfortunate to use. We’ve been like that for a week. They packed up, grown up with smells, which brought our image ̶v̶o̶e̶n̶n̶o̶g̶o to perfect perfection. During this time, the people joined together and distributed into companies.

Then something terrible happened! We were all taken to the bathroom. They cut, washed and dressed the same. When I left, I was terrified that I would not recognize anyone. It was like a nightmare, it seemed that even the faces of all became the same. At the same time, seeing the panic and misunderstanding of what is happening in the eyes of the new military, it became clear that they have the same feelings. Everyone walked on random trajectories in search of familiar faces, except that they did not encounter their foreheads.

And only by the skins in the company the people completely calmed down, convinced that this bald miracle is his friend Sereg.

I almost lost my friends.)

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №158534
Do you hear the sound of a second arrow? The future is cuddling.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №158533
Famous violinist Midori was born in Japan in 1971. Her mother played in the orchestra and took the baby to the rehearsal. While the mother was playing, the child slept on the chair in the first row of the empty room. At the age of two, the girl began to reach out to her mother's violin, and on her birthday, her mother bought her a child's instrument and began to teach.

When Midori was ten years old, her mother moved her to New York. There the girl enrolled in one of the best music schools and quickly gained fame as a beginner serious performer. So much that Leonard Bernstein himself entrusted her to perform one of his works. He also directed.

And imagine the Boston Symphony Orchestra, conductor – Leonard Bernstein, solist – Miss Dory, 14 years old. And here a small fragile girl plays a difficult modern work. And since she is really small, the tool she has in her hands is also special: a reduced copy of the famous Guernsey.

And here... Yes, you guessed. The String.

Midori had good teachers, she knew what to do in such cases. The girl completed the musical phrase, turned to the orchestra's first violin and exchanged her instrument for Stradivari. Those sitting in the first rows noticed the confused expression of the face of the first violin, although he knew this procedure, of course, too.

In one move, strengthening the beard on a new instrument, Midori continued to play. Did you forget that her own violin was less ordinary? The size of the violin matters. After all, the violins play on the ears, no strings and keys!

Imagine you are riding a mountain serpentine and grabbing yourself a hundred. Attention to the road. And suddenly under your feet all three pedals change places. You know which where. But one thing is to know, and another thing is to press them right. The brake is now where there was gas, the gas is at the point of adhesion, and the adhesion has become a brake. You know, but will you bring the car to the place? You can’t just stop, you can’t even slow down. So, it’s easier than playing without preparation on a different size instrument.

Between the break of the string and the resumption of the game, less than thirty seconds passed. Miley continued to play.

Meanwhile, the first violin Malcolm Lowe was confused not just so. The hall was dull, and therefore the orchestrators played without the jackets they left behind the scenes. There, in the inner pocket, there were spare strings. Therefore, he took the instrument from the second violin, which is also supposed to be a procedure, and had to play without a string.

But that is not all. After a while, Midori has a rope again! She repeats the exchange, hoping to get back her native little violin with a newly stretched string, but she has a third instrument in her hands, a little bigger than the Stradivari violin, which she was able to play without preparation. It turned out to be a product of Guadagnini, another famous Italian master.

Midori continued to play and finished the play without any further problems. She grew up, gained world fame, but subsequently withdrew from intensive concert activities, although she still performs. Bernstein would possess if he hadn't been grey anymore, and Lowe hasn't since broken up with spare strings.

The Sources:

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №158532
Be afraid of people who do not smoke, do not drink, do not eat sweet, fried, fatty. If they mock themselves so much, imagine what they can do to you!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna