— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №154999
In the universe there was a ugly economist, a hysterical grandmother, whispering and feeding. I thought that if I were her husband, I would have escaped. And here we came to the exam, took the tickets, sat down on one of the balls and we prepare. I was like 12. And here is the first ten, all 4k and 5k. A girl sat in front of me to answer. Here the preacher looks at the information and says, "Oh, something I am so good, the dean will not understand." She begins to shake the girl. On the correct answer, you “don’t know anything” and put a trio. The girl is a good-looking, clever girl, she begins to cry from insult, her father with a scream drives her out. It is my turn, I also answer, all right, only my own words. Prepod says, I put a three, we need from the book, quotes. I understand that it is impossible to cry, although in the throat of someone from this unfortunate insult, I quietly but firmly ask you to surrender, because I have a scholarship and family problems, please enter the position. She replied, "And someone was in the situation when my husband and my child left me!" O_O

I ask again. He is sent to the p.n. at 8 a.m. The exam was on Friday. As a result, all the weekends I studied, squeezed as not to myself, 2 days did not sleep, coffee is my best friend. I came to the universe at 7 a.m., and there everyone was already gathered for the transfer (however, you understand this now, fuck it all, and then it is important, and the scholarship still). In the end, we only managed to find her at 11 in the universe, then she left, then she had a meeting. We sat down and got tickets. Here comes a guy from another group and gives her a bouquet of roses. It was something, she smiled, her face even changed. I sat down to answer, scratching all the questions like a book. As a result, she smells the flowers and says, "Katyusha, I would put 5 but I can't, because we are on the resale. And yes, you answer your own words next time, not like a book.”

I wanted to move her. I left the office and just got rid of the stress. I went home and slept for 24 hours. Thank God, we didn’t have any more items.

P. S. Karpov, what a creature you are!

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №154998
At work, the truck driver comes in the morning sad - I ask what happened? He says his wife burned her mistress. How did it happen?

- Yes, my wife left for a weekend at work, I decided to go with a friend to the river "fish half." The children were left with no one (boy and girl, 6 and 4 years old). I took it with me.

The curtain.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №154997
There was some ridiculous situation today, and I didn’t even understand what happened. I describe how it was.

He went for business in Mytišti (there are Grinders for knives, and he had to take a couple of new ways). It happened between 12 and 13 hours.

I go out of the station, take a shaurma, stand and eat quietly, looking at the sides from nothing, and by the edge of my eyes I see a man, the most ordinary. Because I did not rush anywhere, and there was nothing to look at anymore, a little swing. He is drinking beer and not touching anyone. Suddenly, a police bucket, which stood 30 meters away, comes in, leaves a few guys in shape, catches him, puts him in the car, and goes.

They also travel 30 meters, throw it out of the car and go on. The man stands up, tears off his pants, runs 10 meters to the nearby lady, and they start sickly sucking. Passionately so, at the same time, she did not scream, did not resist, as if she had been married for 20 years, and he only turned away from the Zone.

Then, after pumping, the man goes to a small store, leaves there with a bowl of beer, begins to drink it, and the woman quietly sits in the road, and on this the temporary loop closed, bringing everything back to the beginning.

And it all took me 15 minutes while I silently ate the shaurma and wavered at the speed of events.

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №154996
My daughters are 16. She recently came to me and stated that I don’t like her (right with a full set, tears, soppes), because, attention! I control too little and allow too much.

It turns out that all her friends need to go home immediately after school.

And I have my permission to walk, and I don't shake the calls that it's time to go home and so on. The main thing would have been done and after 22: 00 was home iron (law).

They are engaged in sections only those permitted by the parents, not what the child will choose.

I allowed her to go to football because she wanted to. My mom told me that football is not for girls, but for music.

I still don’t check her phone and don’t watch her VC. And everyone is monitored and all mothers know the passwords.

In general, I give her a choice and do not stress her control. I’m a bad mother and I don’t love her.

Such cases...

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №154995
The youngest son, 5 years old, introduced the class "Financial literacy" in the kindergarten. At the first class, the children were told about salary, pensions, scholarships, benefits.

Sometimes when the son doesn’t want to go to kindergarten, we tell him that the parents go to work, the sister to school, and he goes to the kindergarten to work.

So, after the first class he asks us in the morning:

Mom and Dad! I have been working in the garden for so many years, where is my salary? I want money!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №154994
How I am bombarded! I was delivered from the United States, by ocean, for 2 months - first with a junk barge by ocean, then by a truck through half-Europe. I came to Moscow. Day of silence, two, three - on the 10th day the back number "for yesterday" appears information that the parcel has not been received by the recipient (although it has not even reached the department) and is sent back. I see - today the package lies on the sorting at the Kazan station in Moscow. I went to the post office - "We do not know anything, we did not come, go to the central office." I go there - there "we have no information about your shipment at all, go to the department where you ordered." The circle closed. I call the hotline - "oh, all the information only in the departments, all the complaints there in writing, we are generally useless shit." I call the sorting company - I explain that the package lies, I have to go 7 km before you, and if you do not give out - then the package will circle the globe for a moment. There they say to me, "Everything is predetermined, nothing to do, no, we cannot stop the shipments, everything is ruined and inevitable." I go back to my office. Suddenly I am so told that it turns out that "the index was incorrectly entered." I ask the seller to send the shipping data, drop - we look together with the employees - the index is correct on the packaging, everything is OK. Everyone breeds their hands - "well, type, everything is okay, but fuck the horse, nothing can be changed, you can only leave a written complaint." Well, what to do, I leave a complaint, attach the data from the seller, assure the head of OPS.

The parcel goes back through all of Europe on a freight car, loads on a barge, again a month and a half sails to the U.S. across the ocean, there goes to the desired city, the seller comes to the office, taking on the phone receives the box and immediately sends it back, not unpacking, removing only excess papers. The package goes by truck to the coast, loads on the already favorite barge, another month and a half, Germany, the Czech Republic, Poland, Belarus, and here's the shit - and I calmly get it in the department! All the same box that was sent the first time, with the same address! Is that shit to call it?

And the complaint? And what the complaint, 45 days later the letter came - "we are very sad that you do not like our services, but you are a fool, the address was entered incorrectly, we wish you not to be such a fool in the trail. once.” They did not even read the complaint, apparently the text of the response is automatically generated because of the package specified to the track on the last day of the response deadline.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №154993
And what about the fact that when you choose your date of birth in any form on the Internet, before you had to go through a little bit. And now you’re wrapping up, wrapping up, wrapping up...

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №154992
The house is not built from the foundation, but from the roof.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №154991
About thugs and fools.

There is such a country far away. of New Zealand. A long and expensive journey there. Really shit of the world.
The fact 1. The government of the country has ruled that anyone who for any reason is stuck on the islands and has no money to get home will be able to fly back at the expense of the state. Anywhere in the world. But if he ever decides to return, then when he returns he will have to return NZ that money. What a small hole, will say the lovers of the hole.
The fact 2. Elections are coming in the country. One of the programs discussed is the offer of a helicopter: all citizens of the country regardless of age, status and nationality receive $250 a week. $36,500 a year for the simple possession of a passport for a family of 3 people. Not badly? What a fool, will our especially gifted economists say. Inflation, depreciation and so on. Where they will get the money, our even more gifted ministers, who get hundreds of millions for what is unclear, will say. But not everything is so simple. In the first, there is no minister with an annual salary of $10 million. Everyone works professionally. Secondly, all social benefits are cancelled, except for single, such as payment for a unique operation for sick children. In the third, it becomes profitable to work with anyone and as much as you want. And no one will take this payment as unemployment allowance if you suddenly want to work. In the fourth, the incredible number of unemployed people who issue and control benefits is decreasing. Working becomes profitable. Families with children are given a forum in front of the single ones. The calculations indicate that the helicopter has arrived! Given that payments stimulate labor and production, not police and officials, inflation is not visible from the word at all. Let’s see who and where the real idiots are.

It is very unfortunate that our so-called deputies, who have personally created personal aquariums, will never create anything like this for people. You will draw your own conclusions from history.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №154990
Despite the fall in oil prices, the fall in gasoline prices was avoided.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna