— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 28 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №107016
In 15 years of the Soviet Union from the post-war ruin to Gagarin in space.
In 15 years of the United States from the Great Depression to the Leader of the World Economy.
In 15 years, China went from absolute poverty to producing ALL and selling ALL.
In 15 years, Germany and Japan have gone from destroyed, losing countries to world leaders.
I hope the TV does not pump, and will tell the country about the achievements in 15 years.

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №107015
here here :

Where do you get these stuffs from? A little worse, almost the indices that do not affect you have slipped down, as it immediately began: we p@deac, everything is full, the throne has shattered!!! This is how much you have to hate the homeland to immediately panic! Not ashamed of yourself? Such police officers were produced during the war, and now the neighbors are hosted by extremists. Have you taught no example?
Well, we, of course, did not touch it - after NG 2 months without maintenance... and the rise in prices and mortgage nobody cancelled... and yes, with the offers of work is also somehow not thick.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №107014
xxx: A generation of grandmothers has already grown up, calling for a scandal in the help desk, and you are all joking about clinics and JECs...

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №107013
by bayaderka:
What are you planning to do in summer 2015? Will you continue to travel to Europe, move to Crimea, or your parents will also be a good option?

and ismolnik:
I think to ride the elevator,
Going out on random floors.
Watching the dawn, the dawn,
The smell of flowers.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №107012
Strong, like a teflon bowl family. Artem and Vika. Artem knew everything about the BDSM. I practiced mostly on Saturdays. On Friday, immediately after work, he began preparing at some drinking establishment and on Saturday he female domination.

Who was not Artem - and the nosorog was chlenoryl, and the shrimp of Zadripisthen, and the coveted covet, who dropped the last money. Judging by the sound of kitchen utensils flying around the walls, Artem recognized all the "shades of gray". Humiliation, pain and humiliation.

by week_by_week

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №107011
and Gregory:
The guy opened the course of anal sex, lesson of 100 backs
And you know, Poppy!
It turns out that there are over-the-counter girls who want to try the anal, but are embarrassed with their boyfriends.
Or something else.
and Igor:
Was it possible?! to

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №107010
XXX: The moth is a constant value. A large, sinking moth last year cost 1500-2000 kilograms, but this is imperceptible, because it is purchased in portions of grams of 20-30. "Food dirty" 500-700, "pure" 700-1000. If this year was significantly more expensive, then I allow a large by 3000 per kilogram.
YYY: Do you trade heroin?

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №107009
XXX is:
Fuck, and the cat is standing.

Here he suddenly broke through to test us for strength, and he decided instead of a pot to go down to his bed. Right in sight. I decided to try myself as an alpha. The couch was rolling around the center of the room, and he, as usual, first looked for the wall to rise (we did not understand this preparation at first), and then, for balance, pulled out his tail, pulled out his front leg, and the second grabbed himself for the head. Probably, he wanted to show a Facebook spam, but became more like a long-haul captain with a binoculars. And here, in such an unstable position, balancing and weakening, I dropped a three-stage rocket.

At first, of course, we wavered from such greed, and then roasted for half a day over Captain Shitikov.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №107008
With you the new edition of the show "These funny bands". Today in front of you is the 16099, complaining about how she is not allowed to eat healthy food normally and comment on her favorite low-fat cheeses. She herselfly does not condemn other people's preferences, and in general - a cute thin angel, whose wings hid only for a short time.

But we all know who usually lies in the details. Completing the complaint with the following passage:

Per, comrades eaters of food junk, should you look into your plate? And I’ll go and eat a fattened cheese with a little bit of milk."

What should have been expected, the post was quite predictably ended with Darth Vader. And do such people really don’t understand the reasons for their negative attitude toward them?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №107007
The son was pleased. Talk about the younger brothers.
“These bullies are trying to pick up the code for my phone. Everything has already passed - addresses, birthdays, car number, weight of the dog... They will never get that code.
Why is?
When I was bought a phone, I accidentally wrote a 21 digit on a paper, remembered it, and the paper was broken and thrown out into the toilet.
What if you forget?
How can I forget the code for my first touch phone?! to
Let us admit. Why 21 numbers?
There was no more room!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna