— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №110949
A friend told me about the car. She worked as a doctor. During the flu epidemic, a driver was brought to her on a white collapsing car. The normal "ambulances" were all busy. The door of the lighthouse opened only after a pinch in a certain place. The driver taught the doctor how to pin and open. And here the doctor after visiting the patient at home comes out of the entrance to the car, knocks his foot at the door, sits more comfortably, raises his eyes at the driver: "What are we waiting for?"
A strange man looks at her astonished and badly. The real driver saved the situation, ran, pulled out the acquaintance with the words: "Give my doctor!" and the wheel in his car.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №110948
20:41:17 >> fys[21] > pair: all the nerves in order) now you can read the resolutions of the competition policy committee of the Moscow Region)
20:45:43 >>> fys[21] > pair: mistaken. I need to drink more.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №110947
Q. Do you like hockey?
Wow, I still love football.
Yesterday I turned on the sports channel, there the anthem was sung, the hockey players are holding each other's hands, and in 5 minutes these same hockey players are holding each other's faces. Do they hate each other so much?
Their faces are shaken!! and 😉

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №110946
Q: Do I have the right to change my name after being elected?
YYY: I don’t know, probably yes. And why?
xxx: Well, imagine a troll will want to climb into the Duma, and who will want to vote for a man with the name Ugly? And so he will choose under some cosher surname, and then bat, changed the surname to Podlost and proposed some other law. Then there will be the most real law of wickedness in the country.
YYY: This is such a nonsense that I even became scared, because with our government it could really happen.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №110945
How I am tired of working...
Spring, summer, autumn and winter have an adverse effect on my working capacity.
The rest of the time I work easily and with pleasure.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №110944
It is said that when Schnur was a child, he was a pigeon called Huli-Huli-Huli.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №110943
Falkowski: And they wanted a free consultation.
LAROSHFUFLO: has it been sent?
Falkowskij: I said that I give free consultation only on the cost of my consultation:))

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №110942
Romance is different. Here my husband on a third date dragged me into a terrible fast food, a terrible place, in terms of proper nutrition. His father was an ulcerator, so the whole family ate mostly proper cooked and steam food. Grandfather arranged a feast of disobedience for him from time to time, leading him to some McDack secretly from his mom and dad.

I sat down, putting the potatoes in the sauce and listening to the confession that it was his secret defect, and I was the first to whom he told about it. He gave him a couple of years later the engagement ring was not at all close to the degree of touch!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №110941
Now everything is clear:
The only profession where the quality of work depends on the shape of clothing is prostitution.
Everything else can be done in jeans and good and bad.
Biophysicist, white, heterosexual man, 32 years old.

If they require a dress code, you will be engaged in prostitution. Political or something else.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №110940
Review of "50 Shades of Grey"
In connection with the general agitation, the opus did not bypass me. She was heard about the exciting passion and scenes of BDSM, began to read the first part, read to the scene, where a millionaire beauty invites our mademoiselle to a date in a café in a luxurious hotel after photography and tasting tea from the bag... It’s sadism started or he’s just a bullshit?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №110939
50 Shades of Grey:
Johnson(拉麺): 2 hours just in the ass, there is even no action
Johnson(拉麺): Well at the end of the threshold hinting on 2 part of the current
Johnson(拉麺): in short the whole meaning of the priva go ipaca bak bah tile and ultimately oh all

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №110938
What do you know about the power of strong alcohol?! to
When I drink, I start to like myself in the mirror.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №110937
Tell me how bad you are in more detail. Give us a balm on the soul.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №110936
Finite the Comedy

An enormous bag of old children’s toys was gathered and it was time to get rid of it somehow, but not to throw it away.
Soldiers, machinery and pistols son washed in the dishwasher, soft toys washed, and we took all this to the entrance, so that the kids could disassemble who would like.

And here, while my Yura, on the table at the mailboxes, was beautifully laying down his transformers and chuburashes, a man in a hat entered the entrance. He greeted, stopped, looked at the plush elephants and begemoths, struck my son’s head and looked at me, sadly said:

Maybe that’s all? The end of the comedy?
Yes, maybe it is all.
It is sorry. He was such a good boy.
Yes, I am sorry for myself.
Are you going to give birth to another?
I don’t even know, I would like to... How are you doing?
Do not ask, children grow like yeast, and no one in the house gives birth to new ones, trouble.

We said goodbye and went out on the street to the joyful spring sun.
Yura remained silent for a while, then looked at me carefully and asked:

“Daddy, why did you talk about me at the funeral?”
In the sense?
“That’s all, sorry, he was such a good boy.” What does it mean? I am not dead yet.
“Well, what are you, just... he meant that you’ve grown up and... he’s a bit sorry that you’ve stopped playing toys.
I understand, but has he anything to regret? Why do we have our children at home? Maybe he is a maniac?

I somewhat cleverly twisted, translated everything into a joke and cleverly changed the subject.
Well, in fact, not to tell the son, that that careless man in a hat, every New Year, with jokes and spells, a whirlwind broke into us in a red coat, with a white beard and a bag of gifts behind the back.
Comedy is a comedy, sorry.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №110935
Men do not understand the real pain. They don’t know what it’s like when you decide not to answer his messages and he doesn’t write them.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №110934
They went with their eldest daughter and younger son, met old acquaintance Lena. Well, how old I am... 3 years older than my daughter, together with Sunday school were. Seven years later, they did not see each other.
Lena that she was studying in forestry.
My one asks:
And for whom?
to the forest.
Study to him, right? and shock:
Of course! What did you think? Shock : shock : shock : shock : shock : shock :
- I thought that the forest is like a monastery, only in the forest!

I think tomorrow the third-class students will have something to talk about.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №110933

The Necrodeflorator
I have so much rough roof on the old hard, if I recover ever, I will definitely fapp)) Although there is a lot of photo and video of the author, this is more interested. Lean to do.

Baloo #
A guy, alarms the author’s posture when a person writes about him with such a nick =)

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №110932
The Seeking:
... about a boy whose parents wanted him to grow up to be a normal wizard, and he wanted to become some kind of wrong manager, no wrong lawyer, in general, something quite distant from witchcraft. And he so touched them that they caused the Aztec demon, but then suddenly a special managerial and legal demon came to help the boy.
— — — —
Robert Shelley, "The Accountant" Not for what! )

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №110931
Thirteen (19/03/2015)
Fuck, rju chata, book - a guide to Java, on the cover icon (12+), type warn in advance that light porn and obscene mates are possible? ))))

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №110930
Late in the evening, about 21.00. Returned from work. My wife finished cooking dinner. I decided that a bottle of other beer would not be unnecessary for dinner, and went to the 24-hour shop. The object is a couple of hundreds of meters away, but the road through the desert past the construction, there is virtually no lighting.
In the middle of the desert from the darkness two figures draw and move across me.
Although I had a lot of dimensions, but I got inside and prepared to resist the enemy.
The first phrase of the opponents thrust me into a stupor:
Hi to you! Do you want to talk about God?
Where is our world going? Where locals used to operate, Jehovah’s Witnesses now operate.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna