— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №127097
Please tell me why you start your answers like this:
The Fool:
This is:
This is:
The Fool:

Why, instead of refuting someone’s opinion with which you disagree, do you transfer the dialogue to the opponent’s personality? Are you unable to conduct a discussion? Do you not even realize that by this you do not humiliate the interlocutor, but that you cast your own shit on your head?

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №127096
While more educated people are more likely to choose names for their children by focusing on specific personalities, often on Arian relatives (in honor of grandparents, etc.).The less educated part of the population is breathing.

How are you there, okay?
I will continue with your permission.
“He draws inspiration in the saints.”

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №127095
But I like the name Yulia very much, and Yulia is even more, even often I think so. And the fact that around Yulek a lot - is not embarrassing absolutely, on the contrary, gives reasons to joke. "Julkies have overwhelmed the whole world" - an ordinary funny fairy tale. It should be easier to look at the world, then it will be easier to live.
Z is. The juice runs! and :-)

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №127094
 20.04.2016 hold hands for the hands of the murderer, for the wheel, even for the hole around, isn’t it easier to break this package? This is in every episode!

Because there is such a concept as "panic". When a bag is thrown on your head (do not give God, of course), the instincts of self-preservation (and you will listen to them, not the voice of the mind) will tell you to remove the air barrier that presses your throat (the hands of the killer, the stretched edge of the pack...). And that this package is transparent you will not even think. That is why people drowning at a depth that exceeds their height by 40-50 cm, do not even think about the fact that you can simply jump, pushing back from the bottom and get to the vital oxygen, and foolishly bragging, trying to scream, calling for help, swallow water and swallow. That is why people engaged in figure skating, knowing how to manage sliding, properly carry weight, etc. when they suddenly slide, just as the rest foolishly shake their hands, clinging to the air.
In general, these are all animal instincts that are still strong in us, no matter how much we consider ourselves intelligent and unique personalities. And although they often hinder (and sometimes contribute to death), they are often saving our lives in the fractions of a second that the mind would spend on finding the logical right solution.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №127093
Fuck them with the good ones, you tell me: Daniels are finally done? Or is it already the 16th year that every dolboeb considers this name fashionable?
Aunt of Three Daniels.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №127092
The cat was sitting in the middle of the corridor. I shrugged ears. And on the mouth it read straight: "This city needs a hero".

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №127091
Youmal: and who knows how the game is called the type in the office you stumble and try to find a way out of it
Chapter 234: Work

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №127090
How did your parents name you? Are you chosen by list or there by the sign of the zodiac?
I wanted to call it Globe. But the grandmother said, "Yes, you are, and he will be irritated in the courtyard; Gleb - bread." It was named Anton...

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №127089
I danced what I was taught yesterday, and it struck me.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №127088
S. Marshak for the Protection of Children
If you are smart,
You will not give the guys.
So many names,
Proton and atom.
My mother wanted
The white daughter,
I intended to name
daughter of the dictatorship.
The family called her.
Reduced by Dita,
The parents were
The girl is angry.
He was looking for another father.
The name is blatant,
He finally called
My daughter’s idea.
Call Mom and Sister
The girl idea.
The guys from the yard.
They are called Indians.
One of the original,
Started by the newspaper,
His son satellite,
He called her a rocket.
Let father and mother understand.
What the name of this
A century must last.
The miserable children...

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №127087
Comments on 20128
You don’t even understand how ridiculous the vocal voice of the teacher in the kindergarten is, “Prokop, you don’t hear me?”

It’s no less ridiculous than “Alexander, you don’t hear me?” or “Constantin, you don’t hear me?” For the kindergarten there are diminishing-loving names. So Veronica, who is not yet able to pronounce her full name in the kindergarten, may be Vera or Nika (at her taste).
P.S If anything, as a reduction form to the name "Prokop" can be used "Prosha".

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №127086
For television journalists, any nonsense said by a short speech with a hysterical breathing is considered important news.

[ + 29 - ] [10 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №127085
Would I be proud of the country? Maybe I would, and why not?
I would like to come to Berlin - and there all the Germans on our "Jigul" and "Volga". On "Izhakh" and "Uazik" they are riding on their broken roads. And "Moskvich" AZLK - they still have a cult car, available only to selected. The bandits on it are authoritative and politicians of the upper edge only travel.
They do not have their own car at all. Well, that is, nominally like there is, of course, but buy the local shit except that the endless losers.
Even the Germans laugh at their cars. Thus they say of them, give the same shayze veer.
Ask the German, why are you doing this? And he will begin, with an acid mine, the story of how after the war they are still being restored, how they were divided into two parts by a wall, how Honecker ruined everything, and Helmut drunk everything.
I would like to go to an electronics supermarket somewhere on the outskirts of Tokyo, and there are all the "Rubins", "Rekords", "Vityazi", "Roughs" and "Horizons". The Japanese do not know how to do television. Sometimes they will do, of course, but such an ugliness does - chickens to laugh. They wonder which factory to build for the production of televisions, or, say, washing machines - and they don't get anything. Everything is robbed, robbed, and what is not robbed is broken, twisted and drunk. You'll ask why you drink and steal - and they, already narrow eyes, get stuck, and well about Hiroshima of Nagasaki tear stories to tell. If we have experienced this, where do normal TVs do it now? Think of yourself! We have such a flow, such a flow.
It is not for them to create electronics. There is no talent in people, not given.
I would like the whole world to grieve in anticipation of the release of our new smartphone. In order for an agitation to be, rumors to go - and how much will cost, and what design, and by what?
What would be the turn after him, pressures, fights. Whatever people would borrow, in debt, but they would still buy.
I would like to come to the United States, and there I had some rhetoric, knowing where I was from, would start to boast how his grandfather La Manche heroically forced, and that Armstrong was the first man on the moon. And I would have him so calmly, polite — and nothing, respected American, that the jeans, and the phone, and the car, and other hamburgers you eat our, and you have nothing but Armstrong — there is nothing. And Armstrong is also not the fact that he was on the moon. Many have doubts about the authenticity of the film.
And he will then all swell, as his feet sink and assure about the rockets that were still made under Reagan, about how many minutes they reach and in what ashes they burn everything. And again about grandfather and Armstrong, and the fact that no one loves him, although he is good, all in grandfather. Or in Armstrong.
I would like that in Paris the columns “Shiper”, “Sasha” and “Trojna” would be terribly appreciated. And all the ill-smelling "Kenzō" and "Chaneli" there would only be sold in the offices of the "Post of France" and in the kiosks of the "Parisprint" for funny pennies and exclusively as a drink for the descended alkashi.
I would like Milan women to come to Samara for new collections of dresses and bags. What if they were then taken to their poor Italy and sold to compatriots there with a 700% currency.
I would like every fool who writes about us to understand that the internet, and Google, and the live magazine and Facebook, and the computer and the tablet – we invented and did everything. He will never come up with anything except his writing. And that at least a hundred times a day he is proud of his Armstrong, and there is no point in that.
I would like to, guys.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №127084
She asked the stewardess to move me to another place because there was a crying child sitting next to me. It turns out, it is forbidden when your child.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №127083
Today is the "Day of the worker of the machinery industry" and, at the same time, the day when the first car "VAZ-2101" came from the conveyor. Of course, it is a coincidence.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №127082
Judging by the scheme, industrial robots should cause a very weak positive emotional response. Funny is. I personally have a strong emotional response to them. And with you?
It depends on the distance and whether he is chewing someone at the moment or not.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №127081
The rare names? My husband and I went fishing to the lake. The place is deaf, only two women are bathing and a shepherd on the shore. My husband went forward, and I was distracted. I was frightened by the dog and I screamed at my husband-Ruslan!!!! The dogs of Ruslan!!! These are rare names.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №127080
Yyy: I have a familiar pathologist. Thanks to his recommendations, I have not suffered from colds for several winters. So is it! ) The author pointed out this very subtly.)

>> you need the country! Details in the studio.

All of Health)

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №127079
When signing a contract with the devil, do not forget to remove the "Install Yandex browser" box!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №127078
Oh, what would you look for in Google to make advertising funny.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna