— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 95 - ] Comment quote №25117
People say they can’t pass exams. And today I saw a guy who took the exam, came out of the audience, went to the department, and he was asked what kind of exam did you take if you were discharged?

[ + 44 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25116
What do you see, Alexander?
Admin for whom?
In my computer.
ADMIN: I’ve seen him before. Nothing so beautiful.
Yes, but only he lacks something for complete happiness.
Admin: Oh, a normal user, and so you have a sweetheart.

[ + 73 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25115
Grandfathers in the army like a tarrant: the first half of the service is scratched a puzzle, and the second is distributed - to raise the rating!

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №25114
The gynecologist’s office.
Q: Do you have a sexual life?
D: Periodically I resurrect.

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №25113
He is:

She is:
Strange is
He is:
Why is?
She is:
Why is curious?
He is:
And why not?
She is:
Why do you ask?
He is:
I wonder why do you not answer?
She is:
I wonder why are you so worried now?
He is:
Is there reason to worry? and now? Why not earlier?
She is:
Why all these questions?? to
He is:
She is:
I have won!!! to

[ + 84 - ] Comment quote №25112
I bring to orgasm, top, hysteria; shaman with a drum on frost, snow, slick, sun, meltdown; plus, minus, flux, off-top. and expensive! and qualitative! The guarantee!

[ + 84 - ] Comment quote №25111
Replaced the secretary at work. The call:
Hi to you! This is again the pony, the puppy doesn’t come out!! What should I do???? to
(In response to a hysterical laugh from my side)
It turned out that it was a courier from the "Pony Express" and he was supposed to go out to meet a girl in a hairy cap...
This will be followed by an announcement...

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №25110
Accountant:...they were so small and beautiful...
Siddhartha – the dogs?
Accountant: -...Flashes, for 16 gigs

[ + 110 - ] Comment quote №25109
We have the most honest government in the world.

xxx: What others call the Drug Control Office, we have the Federal Trade Control Service.

[ + 125 - ] Comment quote №25108
" in Peter -26!
Well and what? In Petrozavodsk minus 28 and they are silent!
Have you been silent for a long time?"

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №25107
Pawn Master: I have an employee, married, and he tells me to get married
Pawn Master: I ask Nafiga, he answers – by fun
Pawn Master: And I really have the feeling that somebody once struck him just that :)

[ + 125 - ] Comment quote №25106
The xxx:
What is it about! I was here, when I came to France, to the mountains, the first thing I discovered Peter's man on the forester. All of us, including him, were wrongly parked. We all had fines. So the man on the Forester, as it turned out, simply struck the fine at the alpha of the neighbor and put it on the glass, so that he was not written out! After leaving, he put his alpha back. I am pleased, I went to bump.

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №25105
Sun: I understood why cognac should be snacked with lemon.
Sun: Otherwise the mouth will be too pleased

[ + 81 - ] Comment quote №25104
In ancient Greece, men accused of betrayal were sometimes subjected to a very unusual punishment: the guilty was cut off on the skull, and a large redis was inserted into the rectum.

It is severe))

[ + 90 - ] Comment quote №25103
XXX(01:43:24 20/01/2010)
These girls are so predictable.

YYY(01:43:46 20/01/2010)
Didn’t she give it either? =) is

[ + 105 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25102
vamp: Once after the fissures decided to walk the theory of probability and instead it is better to drink a beer... Well, to support their walk with weighty arguments - they threw a coin.
If the barrel - we go for a couple, the eagle - drink beer. Once they threw - a grille, decided to check, the second time they threw - a grille, the third, fourth, fifth - a grille... Well, we think, exactly fate...
XXX and what? Going for a couple?
Vamp: Ah, stuzz )) I thought, well, her fooling this theory of probability – it doesn’t work anyway.

[ + 74 - ] Comment quote №25101
Only our staff at Gilkomservis are so harsh that they take the puddles off the roof right along with the satellite plates.
P.S with my satellite plate (

[ + 99 - ] Comment quote №25100
Around our universe after the New Year hanged an announcement:
Dear High School Students and Teachers! Please do not place your car near the doorway!"

[ + 72 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25099
In the supermarket "Sampo" in Svetlanovsk organized a showcase for Valentine's Day. Hearts, souvenirs, red, pink, all as always.
Only on the beautiful red-colored packages with beautiful white candles clearly, white on the transparent, it is written on the side: "Tomb candles."

[ + 96 - ] Comment quote №25098
No, it happens...

LaCie has released an original flash drive in the form of a key called iamaKey.

Stone on site:

Advantages: Good speed, original design, reasonable price.
Disadvantages: Very original design.
Comments: Hanging on the keyband... Inserted in the front panel of the system and by habit - checked...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna