— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 100 - ] Comment quote №25097
XXX is
and a guitar accompaniment.

ha ha! Finally it! You, Scuco, have been fucking my brain literacy for two years. For two fucking years you’ve corrected almost every one of my messages. But I waited... I waited for my hour and, shit, waited! This is a good "companiment"!!! You have made a mistake in a word, the correct writing of which is known even to me, such an illiterate ignorant, whom you have corrected TWO, STUCKO, YEARS!!!! and bite!

XXX is
Well what can I say... 2547:1 in my favor.

by Scuco)

[ + 62 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25096
A shit is when someone mistakenly comes to you on WebMoney 2.5 million wmr and, shit, with a protection code!!! to

[ + 79 - ] Comment quote №25095
Gluk: In Prielbrüssel, Adil-Su, there was a case when a man flew 500 meters and survived. On the wall, the climber broke the bandage to kick and at this moment slipped, fell. Under the wall was a thick layer of flourishing snow and a smooth melting of ice. He landed gently.
QDiesel: And it probably didn’t get bad.

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №25094
Listen, do you remember how your urine was roasted on a bowl? To synthesize phosphorus
How then your house smelled 3.14ch
There was chemical excrement.
and sho?
Nico, I just remembered.
I thought I would tell you about the technology.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №25093
Noah... khm. I want to hear how you live
Buddha: I live like in a fairy tale – I am the Elf, and all around are Goblins.

[ + 94 - ] Comment quote №25092
BadCorporal: No, well, I understand... Baptism, that’s... but that my mom, coming from the church, sprinkled my open note with holy water...
HDD is broken?
BadCorporal: Here is the Fig! I was most shocked when I found out that four viruses died within a minute.
Gemini: 0_o
BadCorporal: Now I will periodically water myself

[ + 79 - ] Comment quote №25091
I have not slept all night...
WOW: The kids did it?
No to VAT. and :(

[ + 80 - ] Comment quote №25090
LoadHigh: is it out?
Bambr: There were no
LoadHigh: Will you call me?
Bambr: Where is it? to them?
LoadHigh: well
LoadHigh: say
"Is this a gay club?"
"No, what did you get from?and "
- "Why do you, Pidaras, do not take the technique... "

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №25089
From love to hatred for a presidential term

[ + 62 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25088
Now in every town, next to each garbage, there is a small oak forest :)

[ + 75 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25087
I recently taught my mom how to use torrents. She specially showed Tiffilo not to worry about the rails.
So she now walks with a gentle voice:
The computer should be turned on, torrent should be launched, let it spread.
On my question "Why, there are no flights there?"
You have to be kind.

More such good people. I am proud of my mother.)

[ + 78 - ] Comment quote №25086
There are so many hungry children in Africa that one of them is already President of America.

[ + 80 - ] Comment quote №25085
Now there was such a trick))) I climb from the subway on an escalator, ahead a couple of steps above two young police officers. One of them has a jacket slightly raised, and the belt hangs a container for recipes and for something...both are empty. I am so lazy, listening to music, I think that it is strange that our uncle of police officers are equipped and maybe Zadornov was right and they have a cucumbers in a cabaret instead of a gun...something like that )) and then he starts to fix the jacket and notices that the envelope is empty ))) from the further dialogue with gestures and mat became clear that the raci and something else there in the subway with him speaking in Russian splashed )) we live in a wonderful country ))))

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №25084
Are you a virgin?
WOW: Yes
WOW: It was.
A long time ago...

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №25083
With each new resume I get better and better!

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №25082
To begin with, if I write the word “I”, it’s really me, I don’t like to convey other people’s stories in the first person. Once in my life, I managed to take an autostop, that is, "completely free" to ride a plane, but people, it was unforgettable. I found myself in Turkey, at Antalya airport with a hundred and fifty backs and without a ticket. There was a timid hope that for this money I could buy a ticket at least in the common car of the aircraft :) When I arrived at the airport, I saw that in the next twelve hours only one aircraft flew to Moscow without identification signs in Vnukovo, that is, the flight was clearly reserved. When I looked at the situation, I found out that “some kind of football team” was flying. I had to wait for the flight to find out who it was. One and a half hours before the departure, two buses arrived at the airport with the proud inscription "Locomotive" on board. Half of the Russian football team fell from the bus.
Sikhov, Izmailov, even fig knows who, I am not very interested in football.
This procession was led by an uncle by the last name. By the way, I didn’t know him in the face, which then played a bad joke with me. When I walked away from the first swing, I had the courage to ask who was the chief. I was shown a man in a dark jersey and told that he was the coach.
There was no choice but to go to him for a gift. When I asked if I could fly with them, he wept so much that he just asked me what a fucking mountain. I honestly answered that I walked 2500 kilometers from Egypt. He turned to one of the players and asked, “Well, let’s take a fool?” I was issued a ticket, money was not taken, then registration, duty free, where I asked Sychev to leave me an autograph on the ticket and board the plane. It seemed like everything was tired, in the plane I sat in the tail, so as not to light, the plane had already gone to speed up, but there was a scream of some man in a sporty shape, as I understood by my scandalousness, it was the manager of the team. No one told him that there was a rabbit on the plane.
He came to me and cried:

You are who?
I was allowed to fly here.
Who allowed it?? to
The Man in the Dark Jump...
What kind of man, man??? Stop the plane, who is it?
The Baggage Bomb!! to

I was frightened, the border control passed, now the naked is thrown out on the runway, and the hell knows what to do.

He spoke:

Show me who let you go.

And I, after all, do not remember the former face, well allowed it all. Go look for him.
found in business class. He, reading the newspaper, calmly said, “I allowed it.”
He immediately silenced, I was stuck further in the tail so that it would not light up, and we flew.
Already on the flight to Moscow, I asked the goalkeeper of the team, sitting next door, to collect autographs of Sychev and Izmaylov for his wife, who was sick for them at the World Championship or Europe. Upon flying to Moscow, I approached Byshevts already at the airport, apologized for the confusion and asked for his autograph. So I’m holding a falsified paper with all these signatures.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №25081
During the Ukrainian presidential election, Yanukovych received 1.5 times more votes than the never-seated Prime Minister Tymoshenko and 7 times more than the never-seated President Yushchenko. Thus, Ukrainian voters made it clear that, in their opinion, a small seat would only benefit Yulia Vladimirovna. And for Viktor Andreevich it is just necessary!

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №25080
I wish you a pleasant appetite!Only after being sure that I’m not eating his products.

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №25079
I’ve noticed that when you want sex, even such little things as numbers in your closet "69" subtly hint...

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №25078
Tagged with "Batman"
Welcome to the company’s corporate website "Batman". Activities: Security systems, anti-terrorist and inspection equipment.

Fuck, I fell out, it’s fucking xDDDD wondering what form the employees...xDD

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna