— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №142382
My wife and I go and talk.
She: You imagine, modern bulldogs do not know how to swim - their legs are very short. They cannot give birth by themselves, only by Caesarean. This is a mistake of nature! Who needs them!
She: Stop, I also hardly know how to swim.
I: Oh, and I gave birth through Caesarean.
She is fucking!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №142381
You are a hero employer.

He is not an employer at all. Either a single startup, or not an entrepreneur at all, but a private customer. He once needed something to go somewhere, and he is looking for someone to do it. At the same time, he has no money, so he cannot go to a normal company. And even to experienced individuals with a worked base he can not turn, because they know the price. Looking for the same startups, naive and hungry. To pay them a penny or, ideally, not pay at all.
In fact, he is an ordinary customer, an employer, if you want to. And he has a client position – I pay money, love me. Only the money is not enough, so they don’t want to love him even as a customer. Nowadays, the customer is not always right, but only when he pays well.
To associate this circumstance with his own misery is prevented by pride, so who is to blame him? Okay the workers. With an enormous proportion of probability, the employer will never become, but simply shed the starting capital, and, as you have rightly stated, will return to the ranks of hired workers. However, if he is lucky to take off, then in a few years he will realize the deterioration of his current position.
The dog laughs, the caravan is coming.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №142380
Talk about the exhibition center in Astana in the shape of a ball
Have you heard that the Death Star was built in Kazakhstan?
2: ah, five billion were swollen, and she doesn’t even shoot the lasers.)

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №142379
Rush with agents! I taught them for six months that everything they would take on my table, they would put in place. Handles there, steplers all kinds. I taught. Now the agents from all the tables of the office are dragging to me.))) The director complains that his pencil has gone missing, and I suddenly gathered a dozen of them.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №142378
Apple’s lecture on the prevention of leaks has leaked into the network.
News: Earlier this month, Apple held a lecture for its employees on the prevention of leaks. The recording came to the network yesterday.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №142377
An acquaintance (working in school) refused to work in a summer camp without pay. In RONO sincerely surprised: she had 11 months of salary! Is it difficult for her?
Just for budgeters: work 11 months and the twelfth get absolutely free!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №142376
Humans trained cats more than 10,000 years ago
The discussion:
A: A new study has shown that these cats have taught humans.
B: It’s true, people have changed much since then. It was with them that the described things happened: infantilization of facial traits, understanding and obedience.
C: And the teeth became less!
D: Silence, my furry fellow, let us not burn.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №142375
If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans to wash the windows.
<yyy>And God will roast to tears - so that the rain will wash your windows to complete transparency?))
<xxx> What about the house?
<yyy>A from the side of the apartment - tell the neighbors from above... maybe they have a faulty water supply)))
<xxx>like to you!! to

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №142374
KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) is an international chain of restaurants.
After 1991 what?
by 1992
and thanks.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №142373
A month ago, my grandmother travelled to Moscow with two goats.
- Maxim, and how many babes with goats ride...

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №142372
The second:
The first person who successfully made and then deployed the backup was Noah.
Noah first made RAID1 – each creature in a pair.

It was RAID0. A pair of animals formed a strap, not being entirely identical (sex different). At the same time, resistance to failure is zero: with the death of any individual, the second becomes useless.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №142371
I am an employer... blabla... you, dear applicants, have nowhere to go. You are forced to look for work on an empty stomach, not your own – so your family. And so you will do what the customer needs, including wasting your precious time without any guarantee of getting the result.

And it will always be!

You are a hero employer. There is only one situation: the decline of production and the excess of labour, and you walk like this: “I, I say, I give work!” and as soon as production grows, people like you quickly perceive that workers bring profit to the employer. Production is expanding, workers with the right qualities start to be lacking, and you will have to tell them why they are better at work with you... although what I am about - with such a stunt you will quickly return from entrepreneurs to our ranks.

[ + 36 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №142370
I work with security systems. Calls me like an old good customer, I have to say to see what, what mess in the kitchen is happening (several restaurants have him). Well, as they say, any caprice for your money. In the deep night I put the cameras (so that no one knew from the staff), remotely set up, well, a couple of days thought about what to do (the customer asked, he had no time for it). Well, the meat and delicacies on cowards/bags/bags are of course, but the cook was noticed... In short, almost all the soups were cooked from his hose, and a couple of salads were cooked with a “natural protein sauce.” Client is notified. I do not know if the cook was left with his tool in the pants, I was not, but the gratitude fell on the card was delighted.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №142369
WUT: School with IT deviation. Record in the diary: "A disgusting behavior. Students at school!"

[ + 37 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №142368
I recently played Civilization for the first time. He played for Russia. Understood that the game liked when Peter I of Alexandria of Macedonia repelled Buenos Aires.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №142367
xxx: you will be proud of the length of the penis until the catheter is inserted there.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №142366

here here :
In general, the idea of giving visitors to feed the animals in the zoo is not bad, but it is hell for the employees of the institution itself.

And what job is not hell for working people, especially if they are forced to constantly contact with different not always pleasant people by the type of activity?

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №142365
The following companies are officially registered in St. Petersburg:

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №142364
Does anyone continue to collect winged expressions? Keep up with the modern book!) is :

"Part to foot".

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №142363
The idea: why not bring from Italy to Moscow to worship a particle of the remains of the Flying Pasta Monster?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna