— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №151311
The mayor of one town in Karelia, in response to the question which city-forming enterprise they had, thought for a second, and then said:

Local Police Department. 120 people are working.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №151310
For some reason, we have people who pour out the social borscht, cooked by all of us and paid for by us, on the basis that they have a pollovnik in their hands, decided that they are feeding us.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №151309
We, like any other municipal organization, are subject to the administration of the city. Recently, there was a comic incident, which in principle wants to cry. I get a call to include an error check in Word. I look at this as a little knowledgeable and see nothing, the check is enabled, the document is virginly clean without a single red emphasis. I can tell you that she has 5+. But the principal does not give up and complains that the document was returned from the administration, the economic department found a lot of spelling errors there! And after talking to them on the phone, I just killed...

"See in the text - "Costs for PREVENTIVE MEASURES", you everywhere in the document is written with an error! What is this word Pre-VEN-TIV-NE? (They were asked by the readers.

There is a word in Russian: PRIMITIVE! Correct it and send it!”

Then it became so offensive. They sit there “up” and govern us.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №151308
Russia is such a big country that it doesn’t notice small people at all.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №151307
Did you not notice that people in the countryside are much less in a hurry? Likewise, they have more work - feed cattle, feed cows, garden, garden, farm, and all this without weekends - and rush less. They talk completely differently. without a hurry. and gradually.

I learned this way long ago when I had to work in a Lithuanian village.

I need to get to the mail. I came here recently, where the mail - I don't know yet. But I can communicate with the locals already - I watched. My grandfather works in the garden. I know him now. But approach and ask, like in the city, “Please tell me, where is the mail here?“Not in any case! This is both unusual and ignorant and, in general, throws a shadow on all urban - rude, and only.

Hi Sir, I am starting. God to help. Your potatoes have grown beautiful.

“Hello, lady,” the grandfather rattles, “yes, it’s growing well this year. It has not rained for a long time...

Yes, I agree, we need rain.

I wait. The conversation slowly continues.

Where did the girl come from? From the capital? Long distance from the capital. - What does the lady in the capital do? is studying? And then what will he do? Teaching the kids? Good thing... Good thing... And what is the lady looking for?

Here is. You can ask where the mail is. And then polite and not in a hurry to say goodbye, wishing you all good luck.

I’ve lived in the millions of Los Angeles for a long time. But the ability to communicate in this way still serves me with faith and truth. The manners and here a little rural - strangers greeting on the street. In addition, a lot of rural people live here. Especially from Latin America.

I have to buy a very important gift today. After work, I go to a small children’s clothes shop nearby.

“Buenos Dias, sir, I greet the hostess. God to help. How is the trade today?

The mistress is blooming. You can finally talk to someone quietly and humanly. We exchange opinions about the weather, discuss the upcoming holidays... Finally, the gentleman is interested in what I would like to buy. I explain that I need a very nice dress for a three-year-old girl. I will be visiting my country soon. This is a gift for the little daughter of my friends.

Where is your country? The hostess is curious, laying on the shelf a whole bunch of small dresses with a bunch of clothes (Latin fashion).

Geography is well taught in Mexican schools. But she hardly remembers such a small country as Lithuania – Lithuania. No, of course he does not remember. But when I explain that this is near Poland, the gentleman is reviving. Yes Yes Yes! The Polony! From there came His Holiness Pope Juan Pablo Segundo. How, how of course!

From somewhere comes the little daughter-in-law. She points to a pink dress with a lush sweater and a tail:
This is the most beautiful! She will be a real princess!

I decided to follow her advice. After all, she knows best what little girls like.
She puts the dress in a beautiful box. And suddenly he breathes up and says, crossed:

Oh my God, what a distance! People also live...

In a few months I will be in Lithuania. The dress has a great success. The little girl doesn't want to shoot him - she's in him like a real "plincessa".
Friends begin to drag me through different towns and villages - to show what has changed, what remains as it is.

In one of the towns, I go to a small shop. And it all repeats again. As in a dream, it repeats itself. Only in another language.

Hi you lady. God to help. How are the affairs...?

So, family health... weather... types of crops...

"Pani speaks Lithuanian well," the hostess compliments me, "but the lady is not there. Probably come to visit. from where?
From California, I answered.

The owner is dying for a moment. He thinks. Trying to imagine this distant unknown California. of another planet. is terrifying. to be baptized.

How far away! Just think! People also live...
Yes is. People live everywhere. Everywhere people are people.

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №151306
2019 year. The first words: “Attention! The film contains scenes of eating sausages.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №151305
I went to the store. I go and put everything in my basket. Oh! The creatures! Kids love it, I will take it. Date of validity: 26th October. and crying! I kindly call the employee of the store (well little, the director of freshness is sick). I say:

You are dead here.

Oh oh oh! Thanks, I’ll clean it now.

It is in his hands!) 3 packages of damaged products.

I am pleased that I saved some anonymous from a date with a friend of Faisans making further purchases. I go back to the box through the milk department and what am I, shit, seeing? The creature, the fucker! The same people who ordered to live a month ago! Well, I think I will arrange for you! For the whole store:

Girls, you are late here.

They resort to the fool who has taken the delay and the boss of the store.

- Young man, well why scream, she just walked behind the basket to pick up the delayed goods...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna