— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №100861
A special set for emergency situations has been put into sale.

The set includes:
Copper - 1 piece.
White shoes – 1 pair.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №100860
When decrypting the black boxes of the Boeing, the British will find everything they want, including calls for pilots to impose new sanctions on Russia.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №100859
Maugrim: How did my TES3 game start? When creating the charm, I’m in the first room spinning a pad for 600septiems!!! He dropped it on the floor until they had time to run to me, I was forgiven, and the pad then picked up. A great simulator of kleptomanism.

Legaro: And now guess why every GG in the series starts as a prisoner.

[ + 21 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №100858
You get older is when you download music no longer with albums, but with discs.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №100857

The xxx:
I take a bus with free wifi.
This is where technology has come.
Sorry not connected.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №100856
with 4Pda news about the change in iOS beta 4.

The emoji icon on the standard keyboard has been updated to a happier emoji.

Progress is not standing!

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №100855
About "costume for predators"... once in a large company people began to boast of photos.
A couple boasts where their wife had an entire photo session. And on one photo, she is in some rubber-clad suit under a leopard, with ears there, makeup with a drawn cat’s nose and beard...
This is my wife predator.
The other one gets a 9X13 photo from his wallet and shows it. There his wife on the backdrop of trees with boiled onions and in such Aztec camouflage that it is necessary to look in order to see in addition to the face at least the contour.
That’s what I understand, the predator!

[ + 13 - ] Comment quote №100854
Andrew: I have two monitors
Andrew: I read here and I write there
[14:42:01] Victor was Caesar
[14:42:37] Andrew: the salad
[14:42:51] Andrew: from the word anus
[14:42:52] Andrew: Oh
[14:42:55] Andrew: Sally
[14:43:03] Victor: how to fuck
[14:43:04] Victor: How is it?

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №100853
48 million hryvnia is destroyed, then you can safely print another 48 million.

In the distant times, in the already non-existent country of the USSR, one dissident and a creative person managed to earn money. In those difficult years, a considerable amount of dollars was forced to emigrate to the SSP. There was no way to get the money in dollars. A representative of the embassy was invited and in his presence all that had been earned by hard work was solemnly burned in the oven. About which an official document was drawn up, certified by the aforementioned representative. The dissident flew out of the Soviet country with a book under his mouse and a piece of paper in his pocket. Upon arrival at the Federal Treasury, the entire amount indicated in the testament paper was received.
The Profit!

[ + 41 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №100852
The most interesting puzzles "predators vs herbivorous" led by Sergey Suponov...

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №100851
sander: caught on some porn site on his sixth IE (don't be surprised, tested, forgot to close), bug in the flash, fixed a long time ago: photo from the web without request for access.
Sander: and text, something like "send the SMS... enter the code... otherwise I will send it to all friends". My photo with a member.
Sander: Well I wrote them so - "send, but half of the revenue from the transitions on this photo is mine and, most importantly, tell me, please, who passed"

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №100850
I remembered :)
As a child I loved fairy tales. I am currently working as a carpenter. Therefore, the phrase spoken by the partner: " Add a inch", made me think for a long time))
"You, Kashtanka, are opposed to man, like a carpenter opposed to a carpenter" (C)

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №100849
I warmed my lunch in the microwave, and the cover on the plate suddenly jumped up, as if the food had started to explode. As a result, in the plate one of the chicken hearts broke, pieces of carrots splashed through the walls of the microwave, the sense did not make a hole in space-time.
Lunch was barely warm.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №100848
With IT-Happens:
In a small organization N, everyone except the IT department received a quarterly prize. The director explained this by the fact that it has nothing to do with the profit of the organization engaged in sales.
___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Something I do not understand. If the director thinks that the Aitishniks don’t make a profit, why keep them in the state? Extra expenses are made.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №100847
and XXX:
It was...enchanted. What is the name of the thing with which fire is extinguished? Red with a black pen.

The firefighter

and XXX:
by Fuck!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №100846
from the depths of the internet: "on the quick hand of the crushed TZ (or as it often happens - HZ)"

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №100845
This is:
Recently, my friend Roley was playing a game. Returning from the game, he told us a wonderful story that laughed at everyone who heard it, and called the story Elf intelligence at night fell into the siege of the 1st Division of the U.S. Marine Infantry.
And the story itself?

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №100844
Uncle Joe: What do we say fucking?
Uncle Joe: The Note
Big Joe: Have you read our chat for a long time?
Big Joe: We are talking common sense.
Big Joe: and fucking we say a darage why so long, only for five minutes for cigarettes went out, to another went well ka fast confess

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №100843
Summer has finally arrived in our city. The female sex in this case was naked to dishonesty. It seems that two city competitions are held simultaneously – “Miss the most beautiful legs” and “Miss the most terrible ass.”

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №100842
One game forum discusses the news about the legalization of computer piracy in Britain. Comment: "Britain - legalizing piracy since the 16th century"

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna