— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 32 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №150838
If a fool thinks he’s smart, you can’t get this fool out of his head.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №150837
A young housewife named Olya decided to open her own business. In other words, a store for adults. The situation was fully available. First, Olle chew like tired of sitting at home. Secondly, such a store itself gave it a highly romantic color. And finally, thirdly, Olya was very loved by her husband, who, after listening to her creative business idea, thought, sadly breathed, but agreed to give money.
Several winter months have been spent exploring the specifics of oil trade and finding suppliers. By the spring, she rented a suitable room, ordered the goods, hired a couple of saleswomen, and the work began.
And first, it must be admitted, things seemed to have gone, but soon another crisis broke out and, whether the people began to sin less, whether they began to save on the playgrounds and handle the old, but only sales fell as wintery.
The costs, on the contrary, grew like a snowball, and by autumn, undermining the numbers, Olya realized with bitterness that her creative startup was covered, if you can say so, by her own products. Business had to collapse.
Here you will surely all be surprised, say, how can it be in our pale country to ruin on such a range?
Unfortunately, as it turns out, it can be so.

Part of the goods were able to be sold to competitors, and the rest was placed in boxes and taken to the garage, hoping to sell it afterwards. And some silicone products, which could not be stored at a minus temperature, had to be taken home.
The husband roasted over the box all the way, calling its contents "summer" rubber and, holding it before him like holy gifts, solemnly took it into the apartment. Olya, trying not to pay attention to his jokes, put the box under the table and little by little everything about her was forgotten and only their dog sometimes approached, suspiciously smelled and even quietly ripped, as if feeling something.
Over time, all these Olina troubles shut down, winter came and passed, spring followed, summer came and the spouses decided to go somewhere to rest. Especially, a suitable Turkish allinclusive has just been turned.

To take care of the dog asked a family of elderly pensioners who lived from below. With his grandfather, a tall, still strong old man, the husband friendlined his neighbors and sometimes carried him to the country.
They didn’t mind, they just threw up their first-class granddaughter, who enthusiastically agreed to walk with the dog. The spouses quietly went to rest, and by the evening, despite the rain, grandfather and granddaughter took the dog for a walk for the first time.
Indeed, they walked not long, the rain began, even the thunderstorm and the dog, afraid of the thunderstorm, asked himself home, where he immediately hit under the table. The granddaughter rushed after him and, getting it, managed to overturn the box with Olina's former components. From there something fell out, the granddaughter picked up and shouted, "Look, grandfather, they also have something like Katie!" - ticked the grandfather in the face with something pink and dragged the dog into the bathroom. Obviously, she saw somewhere a fashionable thing now among dog owners - a laundry machine, a device for cleaning dog legs after a walk. Something like a rubber glass with a cap and a hole in it. You pour water there, dry your foot, twist and silicone brushes inside quickly clean it from sand and dirt. Very convenient replacement for a cushion.
The grandfather without glasses did not look at the laundry, and the dog was not asked at all, so the process went.

But, as probably the most sensible readers have already guessed, it was not quite a lappu-washer. More precisely, not her at all. Although this product was similar to it in appearance, it was not intended for washing dog legs, but for much more intimate operations of predominantly single men. And if you throw away the false shame, functionally it was precisely what Kamasutra colorfully calls the “nefrite gates” in Eastern language.

For two weeks, Olya and her husband the southern sun, the warm tender sea, excursions and a kind Turkish "Swedish".
For two weeks, carefully cleaning the dirt, grandfather and granddaughter faithfully washed the dog's legs with gently pink "nefrite doors". To the honour of Dogkevitch, it must be said that every time he resisted fiercely and whispered loudly on his guardians.

By the day of the return of the spouses from Turland, the pseudo-lapomykia was noticeably trembling, but nevertheless did not collapse, steadfastly resisting all ruthless daily procedures. Its cleanly washed, but all already wiped out and encouraged, Olya found wrapped on a dish in the bathroom. Olya even trembled and called her husband. The man whispered and looked at Olya.

At that moment, the door was called. Just came grandfather and granddaughter, to return the keys and at the same time offered to walk the dog. The spouses looked around again and joyfully settled on their grandfather. It was noticeable that they looked differently – a husband with some respect, a wife with a badly concealed fear. The dog, when he saw the guests, cheered joyfully, and Olya, shaking her shoulders, allowed them to walk, but she herself looked out of the window for every chance.
Fortunately, the situation was resolved immediately after the walk, when the granddaughter habitually ran into the bathroom and poured water into the washing machine began the standard process of dog cleaning.

The husband bended in half and, crawling like a horse on a hemp field, escaped in the bedroom, from where he whispered so terribly and loudly that even the dog could not stand and cried. Olya was holding.
When the neighbors finally left, the husband came out of the bedroom and laughing and crying fell on the couch.
“Ola,” he barely spoke through tears, “he can now go to court... for harassment!
Here Olya could not withstand and fell next to the couch also fell wildly.
A dog rushed out of the hallway. He could not laugh. Therefore, he simply gently looked at the owners and waved his tail.
by robertyumen

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №150836
Who do you want, son or daughter?
I wanted to tie the ropes.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna