— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №30463
I read the weather forecast for the days in the newspaper: clear, cloudy, possible rain, thunderstorm.
They don’t cheat the fucks.

[ + 82 - ] Comment quote №30462
Angel: For you, for women, it is always so. When you have trouble with your husband / partner - you actively communicate with other guys, cry them in the jacket, call "the only friend who understands and sympathizes." And as family problems disappear, you hit the “only friend” in the most ungrateful way. Well, if you remember the name.
Skazka: Mish, are you blaming me for something?
Angel: Of course not. And it has nothing to do with the fact that I am Kostiya, not Misha.

[ + 82 - ] Comment quote №30461
Murderous facts about the British
This study was conducted in 2000.
So, do you know what...
Three British people die each year from testing their 9V batteries.
142 British people were injured in 1999 because they didn’t remove all the blades from their new shirts.
Every year, 58 British people are injured by using knives instead of screws.
19 Britons were killed over the course of three years because they believed the jewelry was made of chocolate.
Four British people lost their hands due to petards during the Christmas holiday.
18 British people suffered severe burns in 2000 due to using a new jumper with a cigarette in their teeth.
Over the course of two years, 543 Britons were forced to see a dentist after failing to open a beer bottle with their teeth.
Five British were injured due to out-of-control toy cars.

And finally:

In 2000, eight British people were hospitalized with a skull fracture they received while they were torn into the toilet.

I wonder how many scientists there are.

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №30460
A letter with a girl.
Boy: Sunny, but if we lived together, what would we do now? and ;-)
Girl: Well, I would prepare for labor law, study articles, and you would look for them and help me!
That’s why we don’t live together!

[ + 115 - ] Comment quote №30459
Recently scattering the internet stumbled upon the crying soul of one person who asserted that it was uncomfortable for her to ride the subway to her institute and asked anyone willing to give her a car.
Here is the most correct comment:
There is a surprising tendency lately to have exaggerated needs in the presence of only a puddle.

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №30458
and XXX:
And you were sitting at home and didn’t do nicotine...Life passes past you...

You put me in depression. I’ll jump from the roof and open my veins with a deadly dose of sleeping pills.

and XXX:
Do not forget to tie the stone to the neck, otherwise you will not drown in sulfuric acid.

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №30457
by Mary (21:31)
My cat has an awareness of the problem: I don’t play with him – he approached the comp and turned it off!!!!!!!

[ + 61 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №30456
to this:

Someone on the word "rolling games" hits the computer, and someone on the bed.


It is interesting, but there are others who, when they use the phrase "role-playing games", do not think about compasses, and not even about sex, but remember Tolkien and people in elephant costumes.

Please support 😉

[ + 85 - ] Comment quote №30455
Yesterday the former congratulated with the 2nd anniversary of the beginning of sexual life...

[ + 84 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №30454
In this regard, ZRA:
I cannot fail to answer:
to this:
to this:
Many people know that cyanide potassium smells like mosquitoes... but few people know that it is sweet to taste!
The blue... the blue?
In theory, it will soon be a few idiots less :D
He is really bitter...
— — — —
He has no taste.

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №30453
The news of the ban on metal in Belgorod reached the main internet media, including. The video. I listened to the metal clips there (who compared this hernia with Deep Purple?He looked at these rows with clear signs of degradation, and thought, “They were rightly forbidden.” With such "metal" and pops.

Metallica and Rainbow fans, 35 years old.

P.S If it turns out to be the best, there are still people among metalists for whom music is more than the background noise of vodka and grass. Probably they will be old men. Remember the words of Artemy of Troy:

I think the music situation today is very different from what was in the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s. Music in itself was a great phenomenon. Now music has gone to the backdrop, so it is natural that great bands like the Beatles or the Rolling Stones, great personalities like Elvis, or Lennon, or Morrison, now, in principle, can not be.

[ + 89 - ] Comment quote №30452
I walk around the street, enjoy the sun and look at the gentle popander in front of the girl walking in front of me. To this girl comes an energetic aunt of Jehovah’s Witnesses and begins to actively induce something. I walk past them and hear the dialogue.
The Dark Lord is already among the people and is looking for innocent souls to convert to his faith!
What the girl responds with a well-set voice with threatening intonations and pathos:
You are trying in vain, you little ones. You cannot stop me. The world will collapse in two years.
And I went further, past the stumbling aunt and me, headed to the subway. No other than innocent souls went to look for)))

[ + 75 - ] [6 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №30451
<Dinas`busy> found the shampoo
<Dinas`busy> "length and strength"
<Dinas`busy> not well caneshna malavirayatna
<Dinas`busy> but decided the palm not just the head.

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №30450
We sit on a bench with friends and play words.
Tag: the road
Tagged: Armageddon
ZZZ: When is it? O_O

[ + 141 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №30449
Boys, this Wednesday I have the first GOS exam, the next Wednesday, the second GOS, the next Wednesday the defense of the diploma.
All Happy Sessions

[ + 51 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №30448
I understand what your problem is: you’re too serious. A smart face is not yet a sign of mind, gentlemen. All the nonsense on earth is done with this expression of the face. You smile gentlemen. Smile to!

Do you think a man can get up his hair?
It must! A thinking person simply has to do this from time to time.

She fled me two years ago.
To be honest, I would have done the same in her place.
That’s why I don’t marry you, but Martha.

I was told that he was a smart man.
There is little talk about man.
Be like everyone else, Charlie. I am praying!
How is all? What do you say? Not flying on the nuclei, not hunting mammoths, not copying with Shakespeare.

A man destroyed a family, expelled a wife with a child from the house!
What a child! I am an officer!
He drove out his wife with an officer.

You have a girlfriend for good health. Now everyone has lovers. But it is not allowed to marry them. It is immoral!

There are couples created for love, we were created for divorce.

This is wonderful! Don’t be so tragic, my dear. Look at it with your own sense of humor... with humor! In the end, Galileo also denied us.
That’s why I’ve always loved Giordano Bruno more.

© "That’s the same Munchhausen"

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №30447
We have in the local location of moderns and administrators so severe that for the mat in the chat they do not bathe, but come personally to e@alo split.

[ + 60 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №30446
Discussion of Substances:

XX: I ask, what do I need to do to clash with angels?
Tagged: Orthodoxy

[ + 65 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №30445
He: You... So gentle, graceful... Like a cat. Flexible, tender but dangerous. And your eyes are amazing: are a mystery girl.
You look like a fish from a submarine brother! and %)))

[ + 27 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №30444
To entertain a girl, you have to like her, and to like her, you have to entertain her.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna