— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №30443

I had a case in my graduate youth. I put a couple of articles in one collection. And the editor tells me, say, we cannot have two works in one issue at once, except that one of them with a co-author will be. Here and insert the co-author - then I will take both, and so - down. Put the pen and write in. These are rules, I don’t know.

What a shit, I think. What idiot makes such rules? Even though...what’s especially amazing here, for the first time. It is hard to surprise us at all. Disputing is useless. All in all, I spit and decided to insert someone, I will not leave.

And whom? The question. I did it myself, I wrote it myself. Who will help the graduate? Yes, they all just smelled nerds... Except that my beloved, wise and astute cat Vasily, participated as much as he could. On the table, the worker lay, he warmed under the lamp, scratched, scratched the papers under him. He dropped a pen on the floor a few times for a joke. The songs sang to me. He helped strongly. And I decided, in fairness, let him be a co-author.

The name is known, Vasily. Fatherhood, let it be in my name. We give him the name Cats. and entered. I immediately accepted the second article. And she went out. Co-author – Kotykov V. V. I cheated, I showed my friends, they also had fun. I bought Vasilia something delicious, noted with him. And I thought that the matter was over.

Anne is no. The first letter of my surname in the alphabet is further than K. And some citation systems are oriented not on the first author in the order of listing, but on the first in the alphabet. Send us the name V.
Kotikov come letters and invitations to various congresses and symposiums. Sometimes they called me too. Not always far away. I read all the invitations honestly to Vasily. Especially if the article is praised. He listened courteously to the matter and turned indifferently to the other side.
I said he was wise.

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №30442
Here is a generation of cats who have never slept on a warm monitor in their lives.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №30441
And you know that a true samurai is able to determine by the sound of the falling leaflet of the sakura whether he wants to fight with the geisha today?

[ + 77 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №30440
I don’t think I’ll give up (
Why decided so?
-Yes, recently when the bastion was coughing terribly, I had enough courage to scream "to shoot him finally".

[ + 66 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №30439
“Don’t stick to me with this. If you want, pay a prostitute, and I won’t take this ugliness into my mouth!” and leaves the bedroom, knocking on the door. Half a minute later, her cousin enters the bedroom: "I heard your conversation and decided to meet."

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №30438
It happened 25 years ago in a kindergarten. During the sunset, the educator was very upset if one of the children went to the toilet or, worse yet, cried in bed.
Something stuck me very hard. The idea did not work for the kids: to suck anywhere. Other than the sleeping neighbor's sandals could not be invented. But! The neighbor had to be as far away as possible – to remove all suspicions from himself.
Boy, it’s been 25 years, and I still remember your eyes when the teacher mocked you for your sandals. You never understood what happened.
By the way, I wrote in both sandals, because one was not enough.Forgive me boy, you were not to blame, I really am ashamed.

[ + 79 - ] Comment quote №30437
XX: Are you a fool?? to
WOW :?? to
xxx: when I asked you for a puzzle to take "a photo with us", I meant me with my girlfriend, not us with you in the bath!!! >_<

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №30436
Vitalik, you are just a genius!! to
I would never have guessed that on request "shoot me beautifully" I will be taken to the tech store, take the best photocopy, put their card there and take a photo))

[ + 100 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №30435
I go with someone in the morning. In the headphones something plays, I don't listen, trying to go less straight. Suddenly the sound of two helicopters above my head, trembled instantly, I fell, and flooded into the bushes. I look up at the sky – it’s a shit clean like a scarf!
Using the bushes, I realize that it was in the helicopter headphones flying.
The passers who have seen my “attendance” are touching and bypassing side.
I went without headphones.

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №30434
I go home from work on the days, the weather is ugly, the wind is strong, the dust is flying, the sky is darkened, sometimes the drops are flying, sometimes the thunder grimps. I go, turning away from the dust, I am facing some teenagers of 17 years each. Suddenly a thunderstorm blasted and one of them cried out, “Fuck, guys! Try, the discharge will be!" I was sitting at home all night after these words, afraid of radiation.

[ + 86 - ] Comment quote №30433
From the forum PT on the topic "why not Lenin is buried":

Lenin promised the peasants land, and when they supported him, they were violently attacked and none of the peasants received the land.
But the men also joked about Lenin, the land he did not see either.

[ + 76 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №30432
Program of broadcasts of TVC channel for today, Sunday 23.05.2010:
16:15 by doc. The film "Let there be light!"
16.50 to Hood. The end of the world "

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №30431
Give me a fucking stick!! to

YYY: Why do you?

Fuck someone!! to

[ + 88 - ] Comment quote №30430
Dekan: And in the quiet winter evenings, when the sirenes are silent, and the canonade, when only the projectors of the zenits are flashing through the night sky through the smoke of nuclear smog, and the bullets of Chinese snipers are not there to whistle, crushing into a concrete piece of fortification on the balcony... we love to gather, to sit around the kitchen fire and while the fresh-fished rat is fried, the pope reads to us the message of President Medvedev about the rapid internetization of the whole country and nanotechnologies.

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №30429
In the corridor:
Oh, fuck you are playing! Do it louder!

[ + 86 - ] Comment quote №30428
There is a sports goods store. We read with him the instructions for the Chinese bed mattress:
Section 3 is not for bathing.
Chapter 6: Beware of the Big Waves

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna