— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №100920
xxx: I am an idiot
YYY: What happened this time?
Yesterday evening finally got hot water, I thought to go for a bath this morning. I slept t
xxx: transferred to the evening
xxx: came after work, by habit boiled a pot of water and finally bought...

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №100919
In the morning, she sat down again on a diet and ate fruit and went to the beach. It was 3 hours before arriving. I go on the shore without touching anyone. I am passing by a small child. And I notice that he holds an impressive flat camel in his hand and smells it with a branch of a fatty piece of wet sea sand. I caught myself in the thought that a good sandwich and a little saliva did not sink. I will never lose weight :'(

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №100918
Hm, you get old, it's when you look at a good young guy and you don't think about how to fuck him, but that the son is at least roughly the same.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №100917
I leave one tab in the browser with "Angry birds" so that my daughter (3 years) does not have to look for birds for a long time)
And then new wallpapers, scattered disks, likes to unfamiliar ladies and other charms...

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №100916
A: I have no hearing and, in my opinion, if I had 10 thousand. He would be more likely to become a champion of the world with a knife than a famous pianist.

B: It is difficult to become a famous pianist by playing a violin. Almost impossible.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №100915
Little looks at the cartoons, I hear a masterpiece dialogue from the edge of my ear:
What kind of vegetables did you paint?
I painted my dad in front of the TV.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №100914
A small bathroom - how small can it be?
YYY: the pot
zzz: Pot with pen inside for studio apartments.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №100913
“Well, if the journalists had a bigger nose like Buratino, he would have gone around the ground and kicked them in the ass.
====== is
Do not chase our bulldozer.
The nose grew up in the bourgeois Pinocchio.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №100912
We celebrated the birthday of the girls. Like champagne and dancing. She came as a decent, a mouse swung on the couch. At night I woke up naked in the outer darkness, I don't understand where I am and what I am, I only feel that it is very cold and the plates are covered to the ears, and the legs are shaking, and on the thumb a full feeling that the mark is tied. the fright along with repentance came instantly, when I came to myself I realized that I lay naked, but in my socks, and on the thumb a hole from which the thumb is shaking. Binded to the holidays

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №100911
The late Boris Abramovich
He said, “The big business.
It requires great sacrifices, but
Idiots willing to die
For other business, always find
very difficult. for decision
The question comes
Engage the highest
of matter.”

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №100910
Proof of authenticity on the photo:
I will give you a half-hour in photoshop and a newspaper, and I will fix the dashboard, and I will give you an airplane shot down over Donbass (well, it is longer). Hey all that.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №100909
xxxxxx: Can I attend the repair of the server?
Arsenic: Hm In principle, it is possible, only unknown in time and it will be more expensive
ARGENT: And why then?

xxxxxx: Well, you can pull out a good detail from the computer and not replace it with something.
Archon : Oh! If you suddenly go for the operation, you will only do local anesthesia.
XXX Why?

Argont: So that the doctor under the noise did not pull something on the organs.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №100908
Fuck this Christian Grey from the shades of grey straight some electric scat, her forever shakes the current when she touches him

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №100907
I have lived here for almost two weeks.
I go to the center every day and not once.
When they bring me to our hotel, they are very surprised.
At first I thought that because of the cheapness of the motorcycle drivers looked at me as a sick man.
Then I learned from the owner of the cafe that I live in the most dangerous hotel for long-distance drivers.
Here they only chew, smoke and fuck - the literal translation of the owner of the cafe. I immediately realized that I was living right.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №100906
<Fester> p÷p╬i│p╬p╡p╣i┐p╧i┌p╣p╨p╬p╦p─p╬p╡p╨p╦Windows Phone
<alx0> it can be seen

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №100905
Therefore, it is often said that “everything is riddle” and if not everything and not all, but only someone, then he is what? The Drift? The obrydle? of obryel?
in the only number this word is written "square";

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №100904
Talk to a girl from Thailand. She would.
Time to pay for vacation
I’ll take a prostitute and she’ll be a man.
Amnesty is Amnesty!! to

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №100903
Thanks for the prohibition of smoking in the entrance. I met half of my neighbors on the street. It turns out good people.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №100902
Xhhh: I was sent today.. : job: I am looking for a wife.. Requirements..
Wow :D
Hand and heart :D
WOW WOW! Have you broken someone’s heart?! to
Wasn’t this a time [of common knowledge]?
How did you guess?
Wow: Well I remember that he had a brain shock recently...

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №100901
XXX:on the forum of freelancers posted the article "13 ways to fall asleep faster"
XXX: The dogs are bullied!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna