— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 34 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №159025
xxx: Ten years ago, at work, they were discussing who would want what superpower. I chose not to need sleep. With each year, the desire to have such a super power only strengthens.

With this superpower, you can free up a third of your life. But wish you a couple of millions of dollars and you will free two-thirds of your life by just giving up your job.

Well, as I said below, the teleport is really imba. You still free up the time spent on the road.

zzz: Imagine what imba this ability is for couriers)

XXX is a man. He is given a teleport, freedom from sleep, and he first thinks how well he will work as a courier.

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №159024
At the previous job in the other department, a girl worked alone. Thin one, and also with a tail, in jeans, and that’s all. I like that look, but I didn’t communicate with her. I knew she was there, and that was all.

Once in the dining room happened. I came a little later, took the only free table, I sat down, I ate, I didn’t touch anyone. Here she comes. I was late, there was only a free place in front of me. She asked for my desk, but I did not refuse. At first she was somewhat weird and ate slowly, but then we talked, and it turned out that we even had some common interests. Then we walked a little after work, and the next day agreed to sit in the cafe.

Okay, she came there, settled, and here she came. Later, I guessed it was her. At a full combat parade, with bright lips, lengthy nails, with a fierce push-up and huge heels, from which she almost fell. In the right dress and with the right hair. In short, ugly, unnatural, vulgar and provocative. I recognized her by her voice, but not immediately. Very surprised. Well, we sat down and talked.

I chose the coffee by chance. There you could order a delicious pizza with sauce from fermented Habanero. I warned her that the pizza was spicy but tasty. She said she also loves spicy, and I definitely ordered this pizza. Maybe it’s because we started communicating very easily and I quickly started trusting her.

In general, we talked for another 20 minutes, brought us a pizza, and I started to chew it with pleasure. She ate one piece, seemingly somewhat insecure for the second. And I sit happy, eat, sometimes I say something. I look at her, and her whole face is red, her pupils are narrow, her hands tremble, and her eyes are filled with tears. And here it broke. Soup, tears, saliva and that’s all. The body flowed abundantly, the eyelids grabbed one eye, she tried to fix them, wrapped herself in the closed eye with a nail, began to give her voice, and she became even worse. In short, this was already the third “image”, if you can say so.

I, after a second stupor, understood what it was, quickly went to the box office and ordered a large portion of ice cream. Fortunately, the coffee worker also understood it.

In general, somehow brought this sufferer into feelings, fed ice cream, ate pizza, watched, and she tries to squeeze out on her heels. On the road, he is still stumbling, almost falling. It turns out that at that moment she understood how I see her now and she was terribly upset.

I followed her and led her home. Their own. Because he was closer. There already insisted that she went to the shower and washed off all the combat color. Then we talked to her. It turned out, I liked her very much, and she wanted to make a good impression on me, attracted a girlfriend, and together they painted her so. Well, the most sharp thing she has eaten in her life before this is the red wing and wings from the KFS. But she wanted to show that we have similar tastes in food. I told her that in the form in which she appears daily at work, I like her straight much more, and the common interests with us and without spicy food will be found.

In the morning, I was awakened by a loud sound from the toilet. Because spicy food, I remember, burns twice.

In general, we have been married for 7 years, and the history of our acquaintance without laughter we do not remember. We’re sitting here now, eating pizza, but we’re already having a hallapeno. I look at her, and this is not the girl at work, but an ancient paleozoic earthquake from Lake Loch Ness. On the clock, or three are written, or the hour is fifteen.

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №159023
You lie, you will not take it!

Those who encountered sharp fighting cockroaches are not afraid even the most bold fighting mosquitoes.

© Dmitry Sviridov

[ + 38 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №159022
How to cure dangerous diseases

The famous therapist Sergey Botkin turned to a wealthy merchant suffering from diabetes, obesity and hypertension. He offered the doctor a lot of money, but Botkin replied that he would only take treatment on one condition: if the patient, taking only a kitten with bread, without money will go on foot to Odessa, where treatment will begin. The buyer was shocked to hear. But since he had no other choice (all his illnesses were considered incurable), he only had to agree and go on the way. On the way, he asked for help, stopped for a night in the villages, ate what God sent, walked more than 2,000 kilometers and eventually reached his destination in the hope of a doctor's help. Botkin looked at him and asked why he appeared if he was a perfectly healthy person. The buyer was surprised. However, he had no signs of obesity, diabetes, or hypertension.

[ + 39 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №159021
The day before it was wet snow, and it froze at night. And when I went to work in the morning, I understood why in Russia the best figurists...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna