— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №153846
Good people don’t think about integrity.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №153845
Boomerang of Mobius.

The School. and passing. A residential house nearby. One guy is not very successful parking, preventing the departure. Another man on his nerves cuts him two wheels. Not immediately. First one. And then angry, the second. In 20 minutes.
Time is going. There is no owner. The group of outsiders is growing. They have passions too. In their field of sight comes the GIBDD car. The owner of the car (crossed) an officer presses his shoulders, and explains that since this is not a street, and the parking rules are not violated, and here is the courtyard area. Here he adds metal in the voice: "And if someone has a different opinion, then now we will all gather documents, and check the presence in the car of everything, including the sprinkled. And stories about morning kefir will not save anyone.” The questions disappeared by themselves.
After a while, a taxi comes to the lady, as the wife of the first guy finds out. Which looks at this "above", and a bunch of cars that have climbed behind the car.
It turns out that the husband took the children to school, and she had to take them and the car. But now she will only take the children.
He is asked to change the wheel. She presses her shoulders under the dressing coat – you want to change, but the wheels are two. The people propose to call an evacuator and move the car deep into the yard. The courtyard explains to them what they had guessed. The court is not for that. This is not an unnecessary car store. A woman is offended – because the car is expensive and beautiful, and not unnecessary at all. But it is time to feed the children who are not guilty of anything. She is leaving.
Someone spit and calls a cell phone.
The Dinner. Someone brought a thermos and sandwiches.
The young broken "shin montage" whispered and looked at the side cut, and respectfully asked, "What was cut?". Everyone looks and sees that the cut is not only side, but also along. The assembler presses his shoulders, pulls the specialty, and abandoning the money for the "false challenge" leaves.
It dimmed.
The mood of the crowd is burning. Everyone looks at the guy’s shirt. Well, because it will soon be the next morning...
A woman returns in the form of a locker. He is explained. He is Kiwa. He writes. The price of papers on the torpedo is rising, as is the alleged term for hooliganism, and deliberate damage.
The crowd sends the racer to the nearest popcorn store for alcohol and popcorn.
The dress comes. First the river. Then, after consulting with the district officer, he clarifies with the "violator" whether he will take on a couple of hangers. The guy loudly and clearly matches, adding to himself another article for violating public order. The boss looks at the clock:
- Another five minutes and add for violation of the night's rest.
The guy understands that a little more and he will go for the organization of the assassination of Kenya, and offers at his own expense - to buy and change the wheels.
The night.
A taxi enters the courtyard, from which the man "Nummer van", the owner of the car, comes out. Watching what happens. In the dress. In the nearby field kitchen feeding the spectators. For my wife:
CHO has happened? Did you ride a taxi behind me, with a ten-minute difference?
- I jumped for a moment... and then I thought, well, I will go after class.
A man without a grip beats her in the ear.
The district kicks, gets a new sheet and writes “Battle and domestic violence.”

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №153844
On the day of the vote, people’s gatherings will be organized, and the Constitution will be burned on the main square of each city.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna