— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №102156
In a joke about loneliness, books as an example, not going out into society and sitting on the pope exactly.

And books, and lonely was, and not lonely too a lot of time - one ha. A single person, no matter who I know - gave myself a marathon (every meeting, even not necessarily nice - to try out for a meeting). For 2 days of the 64 encountered - 2 do not meet and send, 3 divorce for money, 43 married, 6 - as a zombie scare, scared, especially on the offer to help deliver bags (tapet, push the wheel or just a snack ice cream). One was generally delighted - called the police when I pulled a bouquet of flowers just like that, and went on. She cried – wait.

I went to the store and bought a cat sauce. A young saleswoman with a ring looks at me, grieving, lubricating the tonal cream with a bleach. My husband is beating? I am interested. Immediately in the grass. I sent away with sausages. He went, bought more white lilies, splashed on the shelf, and swallowed. I ran to the stop, "thank you", uncomfortable knocked in the cheek and licked myself. and returned. They complained to each other for their lives before dawn. The next day she resigned.

Now I’m upset by the very fact of experiments in terms of dating...

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №102155
Ikea was always surprised: they will get any h*ni, and everything together looks offgenic.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №102154
and Oxwell:
Maybe a friend is hopeless.

by kroshe4ka:
No to. When they started dating, he wasn’t upset by the fact that half of his friends suffered from her. What is it about?))

by Alekto:
Think it’s kind of like. Friends do not advise badly.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №102153
Announcement- "I sell cats at a low price, don't miss your chance and you will have a beautiful green-eyed dog at home in the form of a cat"

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №102152
XX: What do you think about the goats?
Yyy: If the goose is not against, then why not?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №102151
xxx: I was not studying physics, I was studying computer science in the universe, and physics was somewhat easier with us compared to physics.
YYY: That’s why computer games have such a special physics!

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №102150
Lucrecia: he left her and completely ignored about two months, that is, first she pretended herself that something happened to him, then suffered from suspicions, then she was finally told that he is now friends with another, in general, goat, I shield
Lucrecia: Well, she didn't have enough, she updated her closet, lost fifteen kilos and started shaving her legs.

I wonder why this cat left her.)

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №102149
I bring as much as I can - suitcase on wheels
I saw your suitcase, you wandered with it.
We were young and as much as we could.
WOW: It was 2 days ago

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №102148
I have a kindergarten under my windows... and every morning the dumb dwarfs are running through my throat – they don’t want to go there. The Tree of Pain of 300 Spartans.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №102147
Lev: You answer me, what is this country and its inhabitants?I am thirty years old and I still do not understand it.
LEV: Imagine a man going into the woods, his mother into the woods, there is only a forest hundreds of kilometers around, even if they die - they will not find. Forests, birds, berries, whites, beauty, even paintings write. And with all that, with all that... Go in the middle of the trail!!! Tell me, what kind of people are they?? to

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №102146
Kaboska (16:46:09 25/08/2014)
Do you know that your superblaster perforator works when we have children in our guests?? to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna